Revised simplex method

Without loss of generality, it is assumed that the constraint matrix A has full row rank and that the problem is feasible, i.e., there is at least one x ≥ 0 such that Ax = b.The KKT conditions of a linear programming problem in the standard form is where λ and s are the Lagrange multipliers associated with the constraints Ax = b and x ≥ 0, respectively.By what is sometimes known as the fundamental theorem of linear programming, a vertex x of the feasible polytope can be identified by being a basis B of A chosen from the latter's columns.Therefore, if the problem is bounded, the revised simplex method must terminate at an optimal vertex after repeated pivot operations because there are only a finite number of vertices.However, the amount of data representing the updates as well as numerical errors builds up over time and makes periodic refactorization necessary.
Graph of a strictly concave quadratic function with unique maximum.
Optimization computes maxima and minima.
mathematical optimizationGeorge Dantzigsimplex methodlinear programmingmatrixKarush–Kuhn–Tucker conditionsnecessary and sufficientLagrange multipliersdegeneracylinear systemsLU factorizationUniversity of FloridaSpringerOptimizationAlgorithmsmethodsheuristicsUnconstrained nonlinearFunctionsGolden-section searchPowell's methodLine searchNelder–Mead methodSuccessive parabolic interpolationGradientsConvergenceTrust regionWolfe conditionsQuasi–NewtonBerndt–Hall–Hall–HausmanBroyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–ShannoL-BFGSDavidon–Fletcher–PowellSymmetric rank-one (SR1)Other methodsConjugate gradientGauss–NewtonGradientMirrorLevenberg–MarquardtPowell's dog leg methodTruncated NewtonHessiansNewton's methodConstrained nonlinearBarrier methodsPenalty methodsAugmented Lagrangian methodsSequential quadratic programmingSuccessive linear programmingConvex optimizationConvex minimizationCutting-plane methodReduced gradient (Frank–Wolfe)Subgradient methodLinearquadraticAffine scalingEllipsoid algorithm of KhachiyanProjective algorithm of KarmarkarBasis-exchangeSimplex algorithm of DantzigCriss-cross algorithmPrincipal pivoting algorithm of LemkeActive-set methodCombinatorialApproximation algorithmDynamic programmingGreedy algorithmInteger programmingBranch and boundGraph algorithmsMinimum spanning treeBorůvkaKruskalShortest pathBellman–FordDijkstraFloyd–WarshallNetwork flowsEdmonds–KarpFord–FulkersonPush–relabel maximum flowMetaheuristicsEvolutionary algorithmHill climbingLocal searchParallel metaheuristicsSimulated annealingSpiral optimization algorithmTabu searchSoftware Complementarity problems and algorithms Linear programming (LP) Quadratic programming (QP) Linear complementarity problem (LCP) Mixed linear (MLCP) Mixed (MCP) Nonlinear (NCP)exchange algorithmsSimplexDantzigRevised simplexCriss-cross