
Pressure is the amount of force applied perpendicular to the surface of an object per unit area.The usage of P vs p depends upon the field in which one is working, on the nearby presence of other symbols for quantities such as power and momentum, and on writing style.The minus sign comes from the convention that the force is considered towards the surface element, while the normal vector points outward.[5] It is defined as a derivative of the internal energy of a system:[6] where: The SI unit for pressure is the pascal (Pa), equal to one newton per square metre (N/m2, or kg·m−1·s−2).This name for the unit was added in 1971;[7] before that, pressure in SI was expressed in newtons per square metre.But using the names kilogram, gram, kilogram-force, or gram-force (or their symbols) as units of force is deprecated in SI.Pressure is related to energy density and may be expressed in units such as joules per cubic metre (J/m3, which is equal to Pa).Some meteorologists prefer the hectopascal (hPa) for atmospheric air pressure, which is equivalent to the older unit millibar (mbar).Similar pressures are given in kilopascals (kPa) in most other fields, except aviation where the hecto- prefix is commonly used.The water-based units still depend on the density of water, a measured, rather than defined, quantity.Differential pressure is expressed in units with "d" appended; this type of measurement is useful when considering sealing performance or whether a valve will open or close.Presently or formerly popular pressure units include the following: As an example of varying pressures, a finger can be pressed against a wall without making any lasting impression; however, the same finger pushing a thumbtack can easily damage the wall.If the flat edge is used, force is distributed over a larger surface area resulting in less pressure, and it will not cut.Whereas using the sharp edge, which has less surface area, results in greater pressure, and so the knife cuts smoothly.This confinement can be achieved with either a physical container of some sort, or in a gravitational well such as a planet, otherwise known as atmospheric pressure.In the case of planetary atmospheres, the pressure-gradient force of the gas pushing outwards from higher pressure, lower altitudes to lower pressure, higher altitudes is balanced by the gravitational force, preventing the gas from diffusing into outer space and maintaining hydrostatic equilibrium.The walls of the container can be anywhere inside the gas, and the force per unit area (the pressure) is the same.[15] According to the theory of general relativity, pressure increases the strength of a gravitational field (see stress–energy tensor) and so adds to the mass-energy cause of gravity.This effect is unnoticeable at everyday pressures but is significant in neutron stars, although it has not been experimentally tested.The concepts of fluid pressure are predominantly attributed to the discoveries of Blaise Pascal and Daniel Bernoulli.Properties of surface chemicals can be investigated by measuring pressure/area isotherms, as the two-dimensional analog of Boyle's law, πA = k, at constant temperature.According to the ideal gas law, pressure varies linearly with temperature and quantity, and inversely with volume:Thus, except for small changes produced by temperature, the density of a particular liquid is practically the same at all depths.A person will feel the same pressure whether their head is dunked a metre beneath the surface of the water in a small pool or to the same depth in the middle of a large lake.If the fish swims to the bottom, the pressure will be greater, but it makes no difference which vase it is in.[24] Mathematically, it is described by Bernoulli's equation, where velocity head is zero and comparisons per unit volume in the vessel areAn experimentally determined fact about liquid pressure is that it is exerted equally in all directions.Pressure also acts upward, as demonstrated when someone tries to push a beach ball beneath the surface of the water.[25] This is why liquid particles' velocity only alters in a normal component after they are collided to the container's wall.[25] As predicted by Torricelli's law this is the same speed the water (or anything else) would have if freely falling the same vertical distance h.
Mercury column
The effects of an external pressure of 700 bar on an aluminum cylinder with 5 mm (0.197 in) wall thickness
Water escapes at high speed from a damaged hydrant that contains water at high pressure
Low-pressure chamber in Bundesleistungszentrum Kienbaum , Germany
Pressure (disambiguation)SI unitpascalSI base unitsThermodynamicsCarnot heat engineClassicalStatisticalChemicalQuantum thermodynamicsEquilibriumNon-equilibriumZerothSecondSystemsClosed systemIsolated systemEquation of stateIdeal gasReal gasState of matterPhase (matter)Control volumeInstrumentsProcessesIsobaricIsochoricIsothermalAdiabaticIsentropicIsenthalpicQuasistaticPolytropicFree expansionReversibilityIrreversibilityEndoreversibilityCyclesHeat enginesHeat pumpsThermal efficiencySystem propertiesConjugate variablesProperty diagramsIntensive and extensive propertiesProcess functionsFunctions of stateTemperatureEntropyintroductionVolumeChemical potentialParticle numberVapor qualityReduced propertiesMaterial propertiesProperty databasesSpecific heat capacityCompressibilityThermal expansionEquationsCarnot's theoremClausius theoremFundamental relationIdeal gas lawMaxwell relationsOnsager reciprocal relationsBridgman's equationsTable of thermodynamic equationsPotentialsFree energyFree entropyInternal energyEnthalpyHelmholtz free energyGibbs free energyGeneralGas laws"Perpetual motion" machinesPhilosophyEntropy and timeEntropy and lifeBrownian ratchetMaxwell's demonHeat death paradoxLoschmidt's paradoxSynergeticsCaloric theoryVis viva ("living force")Mechanical equivalent of heatMotive powerKey publicationsAn Inquiry Concerning theSource ... FrictionOn the Equilibrium ofHeterogeneous SubstancesReflections on theMotive Power of FireMaxwell's thermodynamic surfaceEntropy as energy dispersalBernoulliBoltzmannBridgmanCarathéodoryCarnotClapeyronClausiusde Dondervon HelmholtzKelvinMassieuMaxwellvon MayerNernstOnsagerPlanckRankineSmeatonThompsonvan der WaalsWaterstonNucleationSelf-assemblySelf-organizationOrder and disorderperpendicularGauge pressurenewtonsquare metrepound-forcesquare inchimperialUS customarystandard atmospheric pressureatmosphereManometriccentimetre of watermillimetre of mercuryinch of mercurymomentumConjugate variablesof thermodynamicsStressnormal forcescalarvector areaproportionality constantsurface integralconjugatepounds per square inchtechnical atmosphereenergy densityjoulesmeteorologistsmillibardecibarsstandard atmospheremean sea levelmanometercentimetres of watermillimetres of mercuryinches of mercurymercurygravitational accelerationBlood pressureUnderwater diversmetre sea waterfoot sea waterdiving chamberspersonal decompression computersNational Institute of Standards and Technologymillimetrecentimetreounce-forcepoundaldecompressionsthenethumbtackscalar quantitygradientforce densityatmospheric pressureautomobilepressure gaugesname platesstorage vesselsrandom motionatmospherespressure-gradient forcegravitational forceouter spacehydrostatic equilibriumtensorviscous stress tensorgeneral relativitystress–energy tensorgravityneutron starsfluid staticsfluid dynamicsBlaise PascalDaniel BernoulliBernoulli's equationinviscidviscosityspecific weightacceleration of gravityHydraulic brakesArtesian wellHydraulic headPlant cell turgidityPythagorean cupPressure washingExplosiondeflagrationBundesleistungszentrum Kienbaumabdominal decompressionobstetrictensionmetastablesuperheatingcavitationascent of sappressure headCasimir effectvacuum energysurface normalelectromagnetic fieldnormal stresscosmologydark energyexpansion of the universeStagnation pressurestatic pressurePitot tubeKiel probeCobra probeBoyle's lawSurface tensionamount of substanceideal gas constantReal gasesVapour pressurevapourthermodynamic equilibriumphasessolidsevaporatecondenseboiling pointnormal boiling pointBubblepartial vapor pressureContinuum mechanicsFick's laws of diffusionEnergyClausius–Duhem (entropy)Solid mechanicsDeformationElasticitylinearPlasticityHooke's lawStrainFinite strainInfinitesimal strainCompatibilityBendingContact mechanicsfrictionalMaterial failure theoryFracture mechanicsFluid mechanicsFluidsStaticsDynamicsArchimedes' principleBernoulli's principleNavier–Stokes equationsPoiseuille equationPascal's lawNewtoniannon-NewtonianBuoyancyMixingLiquidsAdhesionCapillary actionChromatographyCohesion (chemistry)Charles's lawCombined gas lawFick's lawGay-Lussac's lawGraham's lawPlasmaRheologyViscoelasticityRheometryRheometerSmart fluidsElectrorheologicalMagnetorheologicalFerrofluidsCauchyCharlesGay-LussacGrahamNavierStokesTruesdelldensitygravitational potential energynormalTorricelli's lawkinematic viscosityNavier–Stokes equationConversion of unitsCritical point (thermodynamics)Dimensional analysisDynamic pressureElectric potentialElectron degeneracy pressureHigh pressureHydraulicsHydrostatic stressInternal pressureMicrophoneOrders of magnitude (pressure)Partial pressurePressure measurementPressure sensorSound pressureTimeline of temperature and pressure measurement technologyVacuum pumpVertical pressure variationInternational Bureau of Weights and MeasuresInstitute of Electrical and Electronics EngineersBibcodeDiscover