Popliteal artery

It courses through the popliteal fossa and ends at the lower border of the popliteus muscle, where it branches into the anterior and posterior tibial arteries.Five genicular branches of the popliteal artery supply the capsule and ligaments of the knee joint.They participate in the formation of the periarticular genicular anastomosis, a network of vessels surrounding the knee that provides collateral circulation capable of maintaining blood supply to the leg during full knee flexion, which may kink the popliteal artery.[2] It exits the popliteal fossa under the fibrous arch of the soleus muscle.The middle genicular artery supplies the cruciate ligaments and the synovial membrane of knee joint.
Popliteal and other leg arteries
Femoral arteryAnterior tibialposterior tibial arterysuperior genicularmediallateralmiddle genicularinferior genicularPopliteal veinAnatomical terminologyadductor magnus musclepopliteal fossapopliteus muscleanteriorposteriorintercondylar fossasoleus muscletibial nervebiceps femorisplantarissemimembranosusanterior tibial arterysural arterymedial superior genicular arterylateral superior genicular arterymiddle genicular arterylateral inferior genicular arterymedial inferior genicular arteryhamstringgastrocnemiussoleusdeep femoralgluteal arteriesTibial-fibular trunkfibular arterytibial-peroneal trunkPalpationprone positionpopliteal aneurysmbruitsvasa vasorumjoint capsuledislocations of the kneearteriovenous fistulaligatedgenicular anastomosisPopliteal artery entrapment syndromeAnastamosisArterieshuman legInferior epigastriccremastericround ligamentDeep circumflex iliacFemoralfemoral canalsuperficial epigastricsuperficial circumflex iliacsuperficial external pudendaldeep external pudendalanterior scrotalDescending genicularDeep femoral arterymedial circumflex femoralascendingdescendingsuperficialacetabularlateral circumflex femoraltransverseperforatingCruciate anastomosisTrochanteric anastomosisGeniculardorsalis pedisTibial-fibular (Tibial-peroneal) trunkPosterior tibialcircumflex fibularmedial plantarlateral plantarfibular (peroneal)arcuatedorsal metatarsalfirst dorsal metatarsaldeep plantardorsal digital arteriesplantar archplantar metatarsalcommon plantar digitalproper plantar digital