Cruciate anastomosis

The cruciate anastomosis is a circulatory anastomosis in the upper thigh[1] formed by the inferior gluteal artery, the lateral and medial circumflex femoral arteries, the first perforating artery of the deep femoral artery,[2][1] and the anastomotic branch of the posterior branch of the obturator artery.[1] The cruciate anastomosis is clinically relevant because if there is a blockage between the femoral artery and external iliac artery, blood can reach the popliteal artery by means of the anastomosis.The route of blood is through the internal iliac, to the inferior gluteal artery, to a perforating branch of the deep femoral artery, to the lateral circumflex femoral artery, then to its descending branch into the superior lateral genicular artery and thus into the popliteal artery.[citation needed] The cruciate anastomosis is so-called because it resembles a cross.Its four components are: This article incorporates text in the public domain from page 620 of the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)
Anatomical terminologycirculatory anastomosisinferior gluteal arterylateralmedial circumflex femoral arteriesfirst perforating arterydeep femoral arteryobturator arteryexternal iliac arterypopliteal arteryperforating branchlateral circumflex femoral arterysuperior lateral genicular arterymedial circumflex femoral arteryTrochanteric anastomosispublic domainGray's AnatomyArteriesabdomenpelvisAbdominalaortaInferior phrenicSuperior suprarenalCeliacLeft gastricEsophageal branchesCommon hepaticProper hepaticcysticRight gastricGastroduodenalright gastroepiploicsuperior pancreaticoduodenalsupraduodenalSplenicPancreatic branchesgreaterdorsalShort gastricsLeft gastroepiploicSuperior mesentericInferior pancreaticoduodenalIntestinaljejunalarcadesvasa rectaIleocolicanterior cecalposterior cecalileal branchappendicularRight colicMiddle colicMarginalSuprarenalMiddle suprarenalInferior suprarenalUreteralGonadalTesticular arteryOvarian arteryLumbarLumbar arteriesInferior mesentericLeft colicSigmoidSuperior rectalCommon iliacInternal iliacIliolumbarLumbar branchIliac branchSuperior vesical arteryUmbilical arteryMedial umbilical ligamentto ductus deferensObturatorAnterior branchPosterior branchAcetabular branchMiddle rectalVaginal branchUterineArcuateVaginal branchesOvarian branchesTubal branchesSpiralVaginalInferior vesicalInferior glutealAccompanying of sciatic nerveInternal pudendalInferior rectalPerinealposterior scrotalposterior labialBulb of penisvestibuleUrethralDeep artery of the penishelicineDeep artery of clitorisDorsal of the penisDorsal of the clitorisExternal iliacInferior epigastricDeep circumflex iliacFemoralMedian sacralCoccygeal glomus