Fibular artery

It runs towards the foot in the deep posterior compartment of the leg, just medial to the fibula.It supplies a perforating branch to both the lateral and anterior compartments of the leg; it also provides a nutrient artery to the fibula.Some sources claim that the fibular artery arises directly from the posterior tibial artery, but vascular and plastic surgeons note the clinical significance of the tibial-fibular trunk.The Terminologia Anatomica, the international standard for anatomical nomenclature, states that both fibula and perone derived names are acceptable, but lists the fibula derived names as the preferred terms.Like fibula, the perone (pronounced pair-uh-knee) means pin of a brooch or buckle.
perineal arterytibial-fibular trunkpopliteal arteryanterior tibial arteryposterior tibial arteryFibular veinLateral compartment of the legAnatomical terminologyanatomyposterior tibialfibulavenae comitantesfibular veinsanterior lateral malleolar arterycalcaneustibialis anteriortibial nerveTerminologia AnatomicaWayback MachineArterieshuman legInferior epigastriccremastericround ligamentDeep circumflex iliacFemoralfemoral canalsuperficial epigastricsuperficial circumflex iliacsuperficial external pudendaldeep external pudendalanterior scrotalDescending genicularDeep femoral arterymedial circumflex femoralascendingdescendingsuperficialacetabularlateral circumflex femoraltransverseperforatingCruciate anastomosisTrochanteric anastomosisPoplitealGenicularsuperior genicularmediallateralmiddle genicularinferior genicularAnterior tibialposterioranteriordorsalis pedisTibial-fibular (Tibial-peroneal) trunkcircumflex fibularmedial plantarlateral plantararcuatedorsal metatarsalfirst dorsal metatarsaldeep plantardorsal digital arteriesplantar archplantar metatarsalcommon plantar digitalproper plantar digital