First dorsal metatarsal artery

The first dorsal metatarsal artery is a small artery on the back of the foot.It runs forward on the first interosseous dorsalis muscle, and at the cleft between the great and second toes divides into two branches, one of which passes beneath the tendon of the extensor hallucis longus muscle, and is distributed to the medial border of the great toe; the other bifurcates to supply the adjoining sides of the great and second toes.This cardiovascular system article is a stub.You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.
Anatomical terminologyarteryinterosseous dorsalis musclesecond toesextensor hallucis longus musclemedialDorsal metatarsal arteriespublic domainGray's AnatomyArterieshuman legInferior epigastriccremastericround ligamentDeep circumflex iliacFemoralfemoral canalsuperficial epigastricsuperficial circumflex iliacsuperficial external pudendaldeep external pudendalanterior scrotalDescending genicularDeep femoral arterymedial circumflex femoralascendingdescendingsuperficialacetabularlateral circumflex femoraltransverseperforatingCruciate anastomosisTrochanteric anastomosisPoplitealGenicularsuperior genicularlateralmiddle genicularinferior genicularAnterior tibialposterioranteriordorsalis pedisTibial-fibular (Tibial-peroneal) trunkPosterior tibialcircumflex fibularmedial plantarlateral plantarfibular (peroneal)arcuatedorsal metatarsaldeep plantardorsal digital arteriesplantar archplantar metatarsalcommon plantar digitalproper plantar digital