Mercury laser

The Mercury laser is a high-average-power laser system developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory as a prototype for systems to drive inertial confinement fusion.Like the National Ignition Facility, it is intended to produce narrow pulses of extremely high power, using diode-pumped solid-state lasers.Unlike the NIF system, the Mercury laser aims to achieve a high repetition rate: its goals are 10 pulses per second, each delivering 100 J with a 10% efficient conversion of electricity to laser light.The active gain medium is Yb:SFAP (Ytterbium-doped strontium fluorapatite, Sr5(PO4)3F), which is cooled by fast-flowing helium to allow high repetition rates.Infrared light at 900 nm from 8 arrays of laser diodes pumps the laser.
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratoryinertial confinement fusionNational Ignition Facilitysolid-state lasersactive gain mediumYtterbiumheliumlaser diodesSemiconductor laserYttrium aluminium garnetGd:YAGgain mediaRuby laserYttrium iron garnetTerbium gallium garnetTi:sapphire laserSolid-state dye laserYttrium lithium fluorideNeodymium-doped yttrium lithium fluorideYttrium orthovanadateNeodymium-doped yttrium orthovanadateDiode-pumped solid-state laserFiber laserFigure-8 laserDisk laserF-centerTrident laserZEUS-HLONS (HMMWV Laser Ordnance Neutralization System)Nova (laser)Cyclops laserJanus laserArgus laserShiva laserLaboratory for Laser EnergeticsLaser MégajouleLULI2000ISKRA-6Vulcan laserList of petawatt lasersLasersList of laser articlesList of laser typesList of laser applicationsLaser acronymsChemical laserDye laserBubbleLiquid-crystalGas laserCarbon dioxideExcimerHelium–neonNitrogenFree-electron laserLaser diodeSolid-state laserTi-sapphireX-ray laserLaser physicsActive laser mediumAmplified spontaneous emissionContinuous waveLaser ablationLaser linewidthLasing thresholdPopulation inversionUltrashort pulseBeam expanderBeam homogenizerChirped pulse amplificationGain-switchingGaussian beamInjection seederLaser beam profilerM squaredMode lockingMultiple-prism grating laser oscillatorOptical amplifierOptical cavityOptical isolatorOutput couplerQ-switching