Fiber laser

They can support kilowatt levels of continuous output power because of the fiber's high surface area to volume ratio, which allows efficient cooling.They may also be designed for single longitudinal mode operation of ultra-narrow distributed feedback lasers (DFB) where a phase-shifted Bragg grating overlaps the gain medium.It should provide sufficient cladding to confine the core and optical pump section over a relatively short piece of the fiber.State of the art high-power fiber laser technologies using rod-type amplifiers have reached 1 kW with 260 fs pulses [15] and made outstanding progress and delivered practical solutions for the most of these problems.However, the shortcoming of amplification systems with LPF is their relatively long (up to 1.2 m) unbendable rod-type fibers meaning a rather bulky and cumbersome optical scheme.[21] LPF fabrication is highly complex requiring significant processing such as precision drilling of the fiber pre-forms.For example, saturation fluence can be controlled by varying the reflectivity of the top reflector while modulation depth and recovery time can be tailored by changing the low temperature growing conditions for the absorber layers.This freedom of design has further extended the application of SESAMs into modelocking of fiber lasers where a relatively high modulation depth is needed to ensure self-starting and operation stability.[32][33][34][35] Applications of fiber lasers include material processing, telecommunications, spectroscopy, medicine, and directed energy weapons.
Three fiber disk lasers
Commonwealth Englishactive gain mediumoptical fiberrare-earth elementserbiumytterbiumneodymiumdysprosiumpraseodymiumthuliumholmiumlasingnonlinearitiesstimulated Raman scatteringfour-wave mixingsurface areavolumewaveguidediffraction-limitedsolid-stategas laserscost of ownershipLaser constructionlaser cavityfusion splicingfiber Bragg gratingsdielectric mirrorsoptical feedbackdistributed feedback laserspumpedlaser diodesDouble-clad fibermultimodebrightnessTapered double-clad fiberdiode-pumped solid-state laserscontinuous-wavetransverse-modemaster oscillatorpower amplifierstimulated Brillouin scatteringtapered double-clad fibersfemtosecondMode-lockingmode lockingbirefringenceKerr effectsaturable absorberoptical solitonSemiconductor saturable-absorber mirrorsGrapheneFiber disk laserpower scalingtelecommunicationsspectroscopymedicinedirected energy weaponsFigure-8 laserBibcodeOptics CommunicationsJOSA BOptical Fiber TechnologyJournal of Modern OpticsWayback MachineDuarte, F. J.Solid-state lasersSemiconductor laserYttrium aluminium garnetGd:YAGgain mediaRuby laserYttrium iron garnetTerbium gallium garnetTi:sapphire laserSolid-state dye laserYttrium lithium fluorideNeodymium-doped yttrium lithium fluorideYttrium orthovanadateNeodymium-doped yttrium orthovanadateDiode-pumped solid-state laserDisk laserF-centerTrident laserZEUS-HLONS (HMMWV Laser Ordnance Neutralization System)Nova (laser)Cyclops laserJanus laserArgus laserShiva laserLaboratory for Laser EnergeticsLaser MégajouleLULI2000Mercury laserISKRA-6Vulcan laserList of petawatt lasers