Intercostal nerves

This enables them to control the contraction of muscles, as well as provide specific sensory information regarding the skin and parietal pleura.This explains why damage to the internal wall of the thoracic cavity can be felt as a sharp pain localized in the injured region.The larger branch leaves the thorax in front of the neck of the first rib, and enters the brachial plexus.Numerous slender muscular filaments supply the Intercostales, the Subcostales, the Levatores costarum, the Serratus posterior superior, and the Transversus thoracis.It perforates the internal and the external oblique muscles, descends over the iliac crest in front of the lateral cutaneous branch of the iliohypogastric nerve, and is distributed to the skin of the front part of the gluteal muscles, some of its filaments extending as low as the greater trochanter of the femur.
Thoracic nervesIntercostal muscleAnatomical terms of neuroanatomysomatic nervous systemanterior ramithoracic spinal nervespleuraperitoneumspinal nervesupper limbthoraxabdomenxyphoid processsternumsubcostalautonomic nervous systemparietal pleuravisceral pleuraintercostal spaceinternal mammary arterytransversus thoracis muscleintercostales internipectoralis majorsupraclavicular nervescervical plexusmechanoreceptorsoxytocinmyoepithelial celllactationIntercostalesSubcostalesLevatores costarumSerratus posterior superiorTransversus thoracisIntercostales externiSerratus anteriorareolaObliquus externus abdominisscapulaLatissimus dorsiintercostobrachial nerveThoraco-abdominal nervesSubcostal nerveinternalexternal oblique musclesiliac crestiliohypogastric nervegluteal musclesgreater trochanterIntercostal nerve blockExternal intercostal musclesInternal intercostal musclesPeripheral nervous systempublic domainGray's AnatomyCervicalanteriorBrachial plexusposteriorPosterior branches of cervical nervesSuboccipital – C1Greater occipital – C2Third occipital – C3ThoracicIntercostobrachial – T2Thoraco-abdominal nerves – T7–T11Subcostal – T12Posterior branches of thoracic nervesLumbarLumbar plexusLumbosacral trunkPosterior branches of the lumbar nervesSuperior cluneal L1–L3SacralSacral plexusPosterior branches of sacral nervesMedial cluneal nervesCoccygealCoccygeal plexusPosterior branch of coccygeal nerve