Third occipital nerve

While under the trapezius, the medial branch of the posterior division of the third cervical nerve gives off a branch called the third occipital nerve (also known as the least occipital nerve), which pierces the Trapezius and ends in the skin of the lower part of the back of the head.It lies medial to the greater occipital nerve and communicates with it.This neuroanatomy article is a stub.You can help Wikipedia by expanding it.
cervical nervesAnatomical terms of neuroanatomytrapeziusposterior divisioncervical nervegreater occipitalSpinal nervesCervicalanteriorCervical plexusBrachial plexusposteriorPosterior branches of cervical nervesSuboccipital – C1Greater occipital – C2ThoracicIntercostalIntercostobrachial – T2Thoraco-abdominal nerves – T7–T11Subcostal – T12Posterior branches of thoracic nervesLumbarLumbar plexusLumbosacral trunkPosterior branches of the lumbar nervesSuperior cluneal L1–L3SacralSacral plexusPosterior branches of sacral nervesMedial cluneal nervesCoccygealCoccygeal plexusPosterior branch of coccygeal nerveneuroanatomy