Handcrafting Justice

HandCrafting Justice (HCJ) was an alternative trading organization that at its prime worked with approximately 2,000 women in 18 developing countries.HandCrafting Justice also supported the women financially through their employment, allowing them to provide for their families and to improve their own lives.The fair trade ministry of Sisters of the Good Shepherd in the USA announced the news on January 14.With the affirmation of the Good Shepherd Membership Board and the Board of Directors, the Attorney General will be asked to release any remaining funds to the Good Shepherd Mission Development Office in Rome to continue the work of capacity building for women.The HandCrafting Justice website has closed, and has a statement thanking all of the benefactors who have supported HCJ over the years.
Non-profit organizationalternative trading organizationSisters of the Good ShepherdFair Trade FederationCo-op AmericaNew York CityGood Shepherd SistersFair tradeHistory of fair tradeFairtrade certificationFair trade impact studiesFair trade debateTrade justiceTrade Justice MovementSweatshopsBody shoppingWorldshopFairtrade Labelling Organizations InternationalWorld Fair Trade OrganizationNetwork of European WorldshopsEuropean Fair Trade AssociationInternational Resources for Fairer Trade (IRFT)Fair trade certificationFairtrade InternationalFLO-CERT (inspection & certification)International Fairtrade Certification MarkFair Trade Certified MarkAsociación del Sello de Productos de Comercio JustoFair Trade Association of Australia & New ZealandFairtrade Mark IrelandThe Fairtrade FoundationAssociation Max Havelaar FranceStichting Max HavelaarMax Havelaar-Stiftung SwitzerlandFairtrade CanadaFair Trade USA (formerly TransFair USA)Alter EcoArtisans du MondeCafédirectCtm altromercatoDivine ChocolateEqual ExchangeEqual Exchange TradingRainforest AllianceGepa The Fair Trade CompanySERRV InternationalTraidcraftTwin TradingTen Thousand VillagesFairtrade TownList of Fairtrade settlementsFairtrade fortnightMake Trade FairNo SweatWorld Fair Trade DayBlack Gold (2006 film)