International Resources for Fairer Trade

[1] IRFT participates in the market economy and works closely with farmers and artisans to develop in them the skills to sell their products.[2] IRFT's mission is to empower farmers, artisans, companies and NGOs to develop business capacity and promote sustainable livelihoods for all of those involved in producing the goods we consume every day.• Creating opportunities for economically disadvantaged producers marginalized by the conventional trading system • Transparency and accountability between trading partners • Capacity building to make producers independent of external aid • Creating awareness about Fair Trade • Payment of a fair price • Gender Equity, making sure the work of women is justly valued and compensated • Ensuring safe and healthy working conditions • Encouraging better environmental practices and the application of responsible methods of production.• Maintaining and developing trade Relations Pro-Sustain, is an initiative by Hivos (Netherlands), IRFT India, FTF-I, and associate Shop For Change to contribute to building environmentally sustainable production and consumption that helps reduce poverty amongst poor farmers and handicraft producers in India.Following on the premise laid out in the rationale for the overall objective, the project is built on the belief that the market forces, which have in many cases excluded the needs of poor farmers and handicrafts artisans, can actually be harnessed to create inclusive growth and environmentally sustainable production by creating consumer demand for sustainably produced, fair trade products.
non-profit organisationfarmersartisansU.S.A.NetherlandsGermanysocial responsibilitysupply chainmarket economyfactoriescode of conductLevi StraussMarks and SpencerReebokBurberrysustainable livelihoodsTransparencyaccountabilityCapacity buildingFair TradeGender Equitypovertyhandicraftinclusive growthsustainable consumptionWayback Machine