Association Max Havelaar France

Association Max Havelaar France was established in 1992 by ISF (Ingénieurs Sans Frontières), Peuples Solidaires and CICDA (Centre International de Coopération pour le Développement Agricole).Association Max Havelaar France is also an active participant in the Semaine de la Solidarité Internationale, which runs in November.Association Max Havelaar France is supported by the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the European Commission.Through labelled Fairtrade, Association Max Havelaar France aims to: The organization is today a member of the Plate-forme Française pour le commerce équitable, the CRID (Centre de recherche et d’information pour le développement ), the Coordination SUD (Solidarité Urgence Développement) and the Comité 21 de la Plate-forme pour des agricultures durables et solidaires.The French Fairtrade market, was evaluated the same year at €166 million, representing approximately 10% of the global total.
Non-profit organizationMontreuilFranceFrenchFLO InternationalFairtradeEuropeLatin AmericaNorth AmericaAfricaAustraliaNew ZealandMax HavelaarMultatuliDutch East IndiesBrittanyFairtrade FoundationFairtrade fortnightEuropean Commissionlabelled FairtradelicenseesFair tradeHistory of fair tradeFairtrade certificationFair trade impact studiesFair trade debateAlternative trading organizationTrade justiceTrade Justice MovementSweatshopsBody shoppingWorldshopFairtrade Labelling Organizations InternationalWorld Fair Trade OrganizationNetwork of European WorldshopsEuropean Fair Trade AssociationFair Trade FederationInternational Resources for Fairer Trade (IRFT)Fair trade certificationFairtrade InternationalFLO-CERT (inspection & certification)International Fairtrade Certification MarkFair Trade Certified MarkAsociación del Sello de Productos de Comercio JustoFair Trade Association of Australia & New ZealandFairtrade Mark IrelandThe Fairtrade FoundationStichting Max HavelaarMax Havelaar-Stiftung SwitzerlandFairtrade CanadaFair Trade USA (formerly TransFair USA)Alter EcoArtisans du MondeCafédirectCtm altromercatoDivine ChocolateEqual ExchangeEqual Exchange TradingRainforest AllianceGepa The Fair Trade CompanyHandcrafting JusticeSERRV InternationalTraidcraftTwin TradingTen Thousand VillagesFairtrade TownList of Fairtrade settlementsMake Trade FairNo SweatWorld Fair Trade DayBlack Gold (2006 film)