European Partnership for Democracy

[1] EPD is composed of nineteen European organisations with activities in over 140 countries in Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Latin America.The newly joined countries had until then had little influence on European Union financial transfers claimed to promote worldwide democracy and human rights.[6] In his historical dictionary of democracy, scholar Norman Abjorensen writes that EPD "was set up to further European democracy assistance across the world, and has operated in about 140 countries, working with civil society organizations, faith-based organisations, media outlets, elections-management bodies, the private sector, political parties, elected institutions at national and local levels, and the security and justice sectors.[15] Former Spanish Primer Minister José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero took notably part in an INSPIRED mission to Cape Verde in 2018 to promote the labour rights of women who work in the domestic service.The EPD secretariat is based in Brussels and is in charge of coordinating the 19 members, with the aim to further reinforce the cooperation between them and with the EU institutions, and to facilitate the achievement of their policy and programming goals.
European Association for Local DemocracyNetherlands Institute for Multiparty DemocracyWestminster Foundation for DemocracyBoard of directorsClub of MadridDemo FinlandNetherlands Helsinki Committeemembership-baseddemocracy supportBrusselsUnited StatesNational Endowment for DemocracyEuropean CommissionCarnegie Endowment for International PeaceJosé Luis Rodríguez ZapateroCape VerdeArticle 19Club de MadridDanish Institute for Parties and DemocracyCatholic University of PortugalKofi Annan FoundationOslo CentrePeople in NeedHuman Rights and Democracy NetworkCONCORDThe Carter CenterCentre for Democracy and DevelopmentConsortium for Elections and Political Process StrengtheningElectoral Institute for the Sustainability of Democracy in AfricaInternational Foundation for Electoral SystemsWorld Movement for DemocracyAssociation of Central and Eastern European Election OfficialsInternational Institute for Democracy and Electoral AssistanceEuropean Endowment for DemocracyUnited Nations Development ProgrammeOrganization for Security and Co-operation in EuropeInternational Centre for Human Rights and Democratic DevelopmentInternational Republican InstituteNational Democratic InstituteTaiwan Foundation for DemocracyBersihCaucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and DevelopmentEurope-Georgia InstituteCitizens' Group on Electoral ProcessCoalition for Free and Open ElectionsShayfeencomDemocracy Watch (Canada)Electoral Reform SocietyInstitute for Election Systems DevelopmentFair Vote CanadaFairVoteIsrael Democracy InstituteNational Citizens' Movement for Free ElectionsParish Pastoral Council for Responsible VotingUnlock Democracy