Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development

The Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development (CIPDD) is a Tbilisi-based think-tank founded in 1992.Its main areas of research are: conflict prevention and resolution (with particular emphasis on Javakheti region); political parties; media, especially regional media; security studies and civil-military relations; local self-government development in Georgia, religious minority and education.In addition, numerous educational projects are implemented by CIPDD in the fields of religious education, conflict resolution, political system and party organization and also other fields.Partner-organizations of CIPDD are: OSCE (including Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights - ODIHR); CordAid Foundation (Netherlands), Open Society Institute (USA), Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy - NIMD (Netherlands); other western donors and nongovernmental organizations.Most of the Institute sponsors are Western governments (like those of the U.S., UK, Austria), Western supranational organizations (NATO), governmental or government funded agencies and programmes (USAID, National Endowment for Democracy, Latvian Institute for International Affairs) and private funds (George Soros' Open Society Foundations).
TbilisiGhia NodiaFrancis FukuyamaNetherlands Institute for Multiparty DemocracysponsorsWesternsupranationalNational Endowment for DemocracyGeorge SorosOpen Society FoundationsEmil AdelkhanovThe Carter CenterCentre for Democracy and DevelopmentConsortium for Elections and Political Process StrengtheningElectoral Institute for the Sustainability of Democracy in AfricaInternational Foundation for Electoral SystemsWorld Movement for DemocracyEuropean Partnership for DemocracyDemo FinlandAssociation of Central and Eastern European Election OfficialsInternational Institute for Democracy and Electoral AssistanceEuropean Endowment for DemocracyUnited Nations Development ProgrammeOrganization for Security and Co-operation in EuropeWestminster Foundation for DemocracyInternational Centre for Human Rights and Democratic DevelopmentInternational Republican InstituteNational Democratic InstituteTaiwan Foundation for DemocracyBersihEurope-Georgia InstituteCitizens' Group on Electoral ProcessCoalition for Free and Open ElectionsShayfeencomDemocracy Watch (Canada)Electoral Reform SocietyInstitute for Election Systems DevelopmentFair Vote CanadaFairVoteIsrael Democracy InstituteNational Citizens' Movement for Free ElectionsParish Pastoral Council for Responsible VotingUnlock Democracy