Centre for Democracy and Development

[3] One of the founding members was Biko Agozino, a criminologist whose books explored the impact of colonization on the way racial and ethnic minorities are treated by justice systems worldwide.The Centre is engaged in capacity-building work, policy analysis and advocacy, and as a research reference point on democratic governance, human security, and people-centered development in the region.The center conducts research on democratization and governance and also trains groups and individuals who are promoting democracy and development in the region.[6] In collaboration with the Kituo Cha Katiba (East African Centre for Constitutional Development), the CDD has run a capacity-building project funded by the Ford Foundation.Since then it has organised several forums, developed counter radical narratives,[11][12][13] and supported the Operation Safe Corridor[14] (OSC) program of the Nigerian Government on deradicalisation, rehabilitation of former Boko Haram militants and has an MOU[15] with the Presidential Committee on the North East Initiative.
LondonUnited KingdomEnglishnon-profitNigeriademocracyhuman rightsAfricaWest AfricanWest Africamilitary ruleBiko AgozinocolonizationMaiduguriFord FoundationOpen Society Initiative for West AfricaMuhammadu BuhariAll Progressives Congress2015 general electionsBoko HaramDaily Trustfact-checkingThe Carter CenterConsortium for Elections and Political Process StrengtheningElectoral Institute for the Sustainability of Democracy in AfricaInternational Foundation for Electoral SystemsNetherlands Institute for Multiparty DemocracyWorld Movement for DemocracyEuropean Partnership for DemocracyDemo FinlandAssociation of Central and Eastern European Election OfficialsInternational Institute for Democracy and Electoral AssistanceEuropean Endowment for DemocracyUnited Nations Development ProgrammeOrganization for Security and Co-operation in EuropeWestminster Foundation for DemocracyInternational Centre for Human Rights and Democratic DevelopmentInternational Republican InstituteNational Democratic InstituteNational Endowment for DemocracyTaiwan Foundation for DemocracyBersihCaucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and DevelopmentEurope-Georgia InstituteCitizens' Group on Electoral ProcessCoalition for Free and Open ElectionsShayfeencomDemocracy Watch (Canada)Electoral Reform SocietyInstitute for Election Systems DevelopmentFair Vote CanadaFairVoteIsrael Democracy InstituteNational Citizens' Movement for Free ElectionsParish Pastoral Council for Responsible VotingUnlock Democracy