Correspondence principle

First Sommerfeld and Max Born developed a "quantization procedure" based on the action angle variables of classical Hamiltonian mechanics."[9]: 138 Bohr's first article containing the definition of the correspondence principle[10]: 29  was in 1923, in a summary paper entitled (in the English translation) "On the application of quantum theory to atomic structure".[11]: 22  In modern terms, this condition is a selection rule, saying that a given quantum jump is possible if and only if a particular type of motion exists in the corresponding classical model.[11]: 23  Similarly he shows a relationship for the intensities of spectral lines and thus the rates at which quantum jumps occur.Other physicists picked up the concept, including work by John Van Vleck and by Kramers and Heisenberg on dispersion theory.Theoretical calculations by Van Vleck and by Kramers of the ionization potential of Helium disagreed significantly with experimental values.[9]: 175  Bohr, Kramers, and John C. Slater responded with a new theoretical approach now called the BKS theory based on the correspondence principle but disavowing conservation of energy.Einstein and Wolfgang Pauli criticized the new approach, and the Bothe–Geiger coincidence experiment showed that energy was conserved in quantum collisions.[2] Further development in collaboration with Pascual Jordan and Max Born resulted in a mathematical model without connection to the principle.Dirac developed these connections by studying the work of Heisenberg and Kramers on dispersion, work that was directly built on Bohr's correspondence principle; the Dirac approach provides a mathematically sound path towards Bohr's goal of a connection between classical and quantum mechanics.This approach led to the concept of semiclassical physics, beginning with the development of WKB approximation used in descriptions of quantum tunneling for example.Rather than a principle, "there may be in some situations an approximate correspondence between classical and quantum concepts," physicist Asher Peres put it.For example, classical systems can exhibit chaotic orbits which diverge but quantum states are unitary and maintain a fixed overlap.
Correspondence principle (disambiguation)physicsclassicalquantum mechanicsNiels Bohrearly development of quantum theoryquantum numbersorbitsenergiesMax Planckblack-body radiationPlanck constantPlanck's lawRayleigh–Jeans lawwavelengthmodel of the atomold quantum theoryhydrogen atomArnold SommerfeldBohr-Sommerfeld quantizationGermanMax Bornaction angleBohr-Sommerfeld modelAlbert Einsteinspontaneousstimulated emissionselection ruleHans KramersStark effectJohn Van Vleckdispersionionization potentialHeliumJohn C. SlaterBKS theoryconservation of energyWolfgang PauliBothe–Geiger coincidence experimentUmdeutung papermatrix mechanicsPascual JordanSchrodinger's wave mechanicsPaul DiracPoisson bracketscommutatorscanonical quantizationClassical limitPaul Ehrenfestnamesake theoremNewton's laws of motionsemiclassical physicsWKB approximationquantum tunnelingAsher Peresscientific theoryQuantum decoherenceClassical probability densityLeggett–Garg inequalityBohr, N.BibcodeZalta, Edward N.Stanford Encyclopedia of PhilosophyW. H. Freeman and CompanyPeres, AsherIntroductionHistoryTimelineClassical mechanicsGlossaryBorn ruleBra–ket notation ComplementarityDensity matrixEnergy levelGround stateExcited stateDegenerate levelsZero-point energyEntanglementHamiltonianInterferenceDecoherenceMeasurementNonlocalityQuantum stateSuperpositionTunnellingScattering theorySymmetry in quantum mechanicsUncertaintyWave functionCollapseWave–particle dualityFormulationsHeisenbergInteractionSchrödingerPath integral formulationPhase spaceKlein–GordonMajoranaRarita–SchwingerRydbergInterpretationsBayesianConsistent historiesCopenhagende Broglie–BohmEnsembleHidden-variableSuperdeterminismMany-worldsObjective collapseQuantum logicRelationalTransactionalVon Neumann–WignerBell testDavisson–GermerDelayed-choice quantum eraserDouble-slitFranck–HertzMach–Zehnder interferometerElitzur–VaidmanPopperQuantum eraserStern–GerlachWheeler's delayed choiceScienceQuantum biologyQuantum chemistryQuantum chaosQuantum cosmologyQuantum differential calculusQuantum dynamicsQuantum geometryQuantum measurement problemQuantum mindQuantum stochastic calculusQuantum spacetimeTechnologyQuantum algorithmsQuantum amplifierQuantum busQuantum cellular automataQuantum finite automataQuantum channelQuantum circuitQuantum complexity theoryQuantum computingQuantum cryptographyQuantum electronicsQuantum error correctionQuantum imagingQuantum image processingQuantum informationQuantum key distributionQuantum logic gatesQuantum machineQuantum machine learningQuantum metamaterialQuantum metrologyQuantum networkQuantum neural networkQuantum opticsQuantum programmingQuantum sensingQuantum simulatorQuantum teleportationQuantum fluctuationCasimir effectQuantum statistical mechanicsQuantum field theoryQuantum gravityRelativistic quantum mechanicsSchrödinger's catin popular cultureWigner's friendEPR paradoxQuantum mysticism