Azaras's capuchin

[5] However, the true current distribution of the Sapajus cay is a matter of debate between leading parties, and it is mainly due to the phenotypic characteristics of populations that live in different geographical locations.Compared to the rest of the Sapajus species, S. cay exhibits a dark stripe of hair on the front of their ears, which resembles sideburns.Research indicates that these species have the ability to learn and retain information for long periods of time, which is a key quality for their high adaptability.[14] The habitat of the capuchin's monkey species, respectively Cebus and Sapajus, is located in the tropical and subtropical forests of South and Central America.They have a high level of behavioural as well as ecological flexibility, allowing them to reside in a wide range of habitats, including bush lands and savannas.[5] In fact, the Sapajus cay species habitat is distributed among countries such as northern Argentina, south-eastern Bolivia, and eastern Paraguay.[2] The Sapajus Cay is also the only representative of its genus established in Paraguay, where they are located in the humid semi deciduous Alto Parana Atlantic Forest.It is estimated that Sapajus cay monkeys are the most common kept primate pet in Paraguay, hence there is awareness of its threats, assisting conservation efforts.[2] High population-density in areas South and Central America as well as legal and illegal selective logging, is destroying the Sapajus cay wildlife, ruining the fragment of forests they inhabit.[14] In addition, their populations inhabiting what is left of the Argentinian forest are subject to serious threats as a consequence of habitat modification and conversion for agriculture production, as well as poaching (illegal hunting).[15] In Brazil, the Azara's capuchin monkey has not been well studied, resulting in poor conservation actions due to lack of ecological knowledge of this species.
Azara's capuchin monkey ( Sapajus cay) eating.
Deforestation of the Amazon rain forest in Brazil. A big threat for Sapajus cay 's habitats.
Capuchin monkey as a pet (not an Azara's capuchin).
Calilegua National Park - View of San Lorenzo Rio. One of the Sapajus cay conservation zones in Argentina.
PantanalBrazilConservation statusVulnerableIUCN 3.1Scientific classificationEukaryotaAnimaliaChordataMammaliaPrimatesHaplorhiniSimiiformesCebidaeSapajusBinomial nameIlligerSynonymsFischerRenggerrobust capuchinParaguayBoliviaArgentinaMato Grosso do SulMato Grossoblack-striped capuchincapuchinCebinaesubgeneraMioceneAmazon riverAmazon rainforestAtlantic forestPleistocenesympatricCerradoRio DocePhylogenetic analysissexual dimorphismcraniumtaxonomicmorphologicalpolymorphismdiurnalomnivoresPachysentis rugosusCentral AmericaGoiás stateFormosaAlto Parana Atlantic ForestIndigenous peoplesforest lossanthropogenicdeforestationloggingagriculturepoachingpathogenicextinctionconservationEl Rey National ParkCalilegua National ParkBaritú National ParkKaa-Iya National ParkPantanal Matogrossense National ParkSerra da Bodoquena National ParkRio Negro State ParkIUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesHumboldt's white-fronted capuchin (C. albifrons)Brown weeper capuchin (C. brunneus)Colombian white-faced capuchin (C. capucinus)Río Cesar white-fronted capuchin, (C. cesare)Shock-headed capuchin (C. cuscinus)Ecuadorian capuchin (C. aequatorialis)Panamanian white-faced capuchin (C. imitator)Kaapori capuchin (C. kaapori)Sierra de Perijá white-fronted capuchin (C. leucocephalus)Santa Marta white-fronted capuchin (C. malitiosus)Wedge-capped capuchin (C. olivaceus)Spix's white-fronted capuchin (C. unicolor) Varied white-fronted capuchin (C. versicolor)Marañón white-fronted capuchin (C. yuracus)Chestnut capuchin (C. castaneus)Tufted capuchin (S. apella)Blond capuchin (S. flavius)Black-striped capuchin (S. libidinosus)Black capuchin (S. nigritus)Crested capuchin (S. robustus)Golden-bellied capuchin (S. xanthosternos)SaimiriinaeSaimiriBlack-capped squirrel monkey (S. boliviensis)Humboldt's squirrel monkey (S. cassiquiarensis)Collins' squirrel monkey (S. collinsi)Central American squirrel monkey (S. oerstedi)Guianan squirrel monkey (S. sciureus)Bare-eared squirrel monkey (S. ustus)Black squirrel monkey (S. vanzolini)WikidataWikispeciesiNaturalistOpen Tree of LifePaleobiology Database