Black-striped capuchin

[9] Females reach sexual maturity around 5 years of age and give birth about every 24 months to a single infant.[4] Using tools to dig, they can find foods like roots, tubers, as well as scare prey out of hiding spots.Stones play an interesting role in reproduction, as females will throw them at males for attention.It has been shown that they also use stones to make loud noises in order to intimidate potential predators.[16][17] This use of tools is a very well defined trait in black-striped capuchins and has been traced back over three thousand years.[19] In their natural environment, black-striped capuchins are diurnal and spend much of their day travelling in search of food, especially since they live in drier areas.[3] This leads them to spend more time travelling terrestrially, primarily quadrupedally and rarely walking bipedally to use tools.
Young pet monkey in Brownsweg , Suriname
Conservation statusNear ThreatenedIUCN 3.1Scientific classificationEukaryotaAnimaliaChordataMammaliaPrimatesHaplorhiniSimiiformesCebidaeSapajusBinomial nameSynonymsNew World monkeyBrazilRio AraguaiaRio Grandetool usephilopatricdominance hierarchyBrownswegSurinameGroves, C. P.Wilson, D. E.IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesBibcodeCebinaeHumboldt's white-fronted capuchin (C. albifrons)Brown weeper capuchin (C. brunneus)Colombian white-faced capuchin (C. capucinus)Río Cesar white-fronted capuchin, (C. cesare)Shock-headed capuchin (C. cuscinus)Ecuadorian capuchin (C. aequatorialis)Panamanian white-faced capuchin (C. imitator)Kaapori capuchin (C. kaapori)Sierra de Perijá white-fronted capuchin (C. leucocephalus)Santa Marta white-fronted capuchin (C. malitiosus)Wedge-capped capuchin (C. olivaceus)Spix's white-fronted capuchin (C. unicolor) Varied white-fronted capuchin (C. versicolor)Marañón white-fronted capuchin (C. yuracus)Chestnut capuchin (C. castaneus)Tufted capuchin (S. apella) Azaras's capuchin (S. cay)Blond capuchin (S. flavius)Black capuchin (S. nigritus)Crested capuchin (S. robustus)Golden-bellied capuchin (S. xanthosternos)SaimiriinaeSaimiriBlack-capped squirrel monkey (S. boliviensis)Humboldt's squirrel monkey (S. cassiquiarensis)Collins' squirrel monkey (S. collinsi)Central American squirrel monkey (S. oerstedi)Guianan squirrel monkey (S. sciureus)Bare-eared squirrel monkey (S. ustus)Black squirrel monkey (S. vanzolini)WikidataWikispeciesiNaturalistOpen Tree of LifePaleobiology DatabaseSpecies+