2015 Rojava local elections
In the de facto autonomous Rojava region of northern Syria, the first local elections took place on Friday, 13 March 2015.In Cizîrê canton, 160 polling stations were opened, and according to the Rojava High Election Commission, 565 candidates stood for the twelve municipal councils of Dêrik, Girkê Legê, Tirbespiyê, East and West Qamişlo, Amûdê, Dirbêsiyê, Serêkaniyê, Hesekê, Til Koçer, Çilaxa, and Ebu Raseyn.Of the 565 candidates, 237 were cited to be women, and apart from the majority being Kurdish, 39 Assyrians, 28 Arabs and one Chechen stood for the election.[1] In Tell Tamer (Girê Xurma), the election had to be postponed as Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) troops attacked the town with mortars.On the other hand, Syrian Information Minister Omran Zoghbi announced that his government considered recognizing the Kurdish autonomy "within the law and constitution.