Zhongnan University of Economics and Law

It is "authorized to award MBA, EMBA, JM, MPAcc, MPA, ME (Master of Education) degrees, and enrolls students from overseas as well as from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao"."[5] [6] The campus of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law "covers an area of over 210 hectares, and has a combined floor space of 800,000 square meters".[5] "The university library has a collection of over 2.5 million volumes, possessing the national and global information retrieval system and offering its students ready access to the cyber world.It holds considerable influence in the legal field and consistently ranks among the top ten law schools in China.In the past 58 years, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law has cultivated more than 200,000 students and has made great contribution to the development of China.
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