University of International Business and Economics

In its history of half a century, there appeared many known scholars and professors: Chen Tao, Song Wenjun, Shen Daming, Zhang Xiongwu, Zhao Run, Jiang Xindao, Xiao Tianyou, among others.Prominent among them: Shi Guangsheng as the ex-minister of Foreign Trades, Song Hai, now the vice provincial governor of Guangdong Province, Cao Weizhou, the deputy Secretary-General of the National Standing Committee of People’s Congress of China, Guo Li, the deputy director of the Hong Kong Liaison Office of China.Currently, there are more than 3,100 foreign students from 126 countries and regions studying at the University of International Business and Economics.There is a major academic building at the northwest of the site, which used to belong to the China Institute of Finance, named Boxue (博学楼).Apart from the sports areas, there is a Chinese garden (south side), a bird cage, and a pond dubbed the "Back Sea" (see Houhai) by students.Recently, there has been an influx of Western European (Finland, France, Germany, Italy) and North American students.Since 1998, the UIBE and Reims Management School have created a Franco-Chinese undergraduate program CESEM.Other dual diplomas partners are Paris-based business school ESCE and Cardiff University.UIBE is one of the first universities in China to launch an international student program taught entirely in English.
University of Economics and Business (disambiguation)PublicPresidentUndergraduatesPostgraduatesDoctoral studentsBeijingNicknameSimplified ChineseTraditional ChineseStandard MandarinHanyu PinyinChaoyangMinistry of EducationMinistry of CommerceProject 211Double First-Class Constructioneconomicsfinanceinternational businessmanagementbusinessforeign languagesforeign relationsinternational tradecommercial lawThe Beijing CenterChinese languageSchool of BusinessAssociation to Advance Collegiate Schools of BusinessEuropean Quality Improvement SystemSchool of LawHouhaiPetah TikvahMatan VilnaiRami GreenbergGao XiqingChina Investment CorporationNational Social Security FundChina Securities Regulatory CommissionGeng XinDaiwa SecuritiesGong ZhengMayor of ShanghaiGovernor of ShandongLi XiangLin JianhaiInternational Monetary FundLiu JinbaoBank of China (Hong Kong)Weijian ShanWharton Business SchoolUniversity of PennsylvaniaJPMorgan ChaseTPG CapitalShi GuangshengMinisterWang JinlongStarbucksYong MeiSilver Bear for Best Actress69th Berlin International Film FestivalZhou WenzhongRepublic of KoreaWestern EuropeanFinlandNorth AmericanIndonesianVietnameseReims Management SchoolSpanishComillas Pontifical UniversityCardiff UniversityUniversities and collegesEducationHigher educationUniversities in ChinaNationalBeihangElectronic Science and TechnologyForeign StudiesForestryInstitute of TechnologyJiaotongLanguage and CultureNormalPeople's PoliceChemical TechnologyChinese MedicineCentral DramaCentral Fine ArtsCentral MusicCentral Finance and EconomicsAgriculturalForeign AffairsIndustrial RelationsGeosciencesMining and TechnologyPetroleumPolitical Science and LawWomen'sYouth for Political SciencesCommunicationNorth China Electric PowerUnion MedicalPekingPeople's Public SecurityRenminTsinghuaSocial Sciences Academy UniversityInternational RelationsScience and TechnologyUniversity of AcademyCivil AffairsMunicipalInformation Science and TechnologyClothing TechnologyMachineryPetrochemical TechnologyInternational StudiesMaterialsTechnology and BusinessAgricultureTechnologyCapital MedicalCapital NormalCapital Economics and BusinessCollege of MusicNorth China TechnologyPrivateList of universities in ChinaBeijing JiaotongMiningUniversity of TechnologyTianjinMedicalNankaiShanxiTaiyuan TechnologyInner MongoliaLiaoningDalian MaritimeDalian TechnologyNortheasternNortheast NormalYanbianHeilongjiangHarbin EngineeringHarbin TechnologyNortheast AgriculturalNortheast ForestryShanghaiDonghuaEast China NormalEast China Science and TechnologyNaval MedicalShanghai JiaotongFinance and EconomicsTongjiJiangsuJiangnanPharmaceuticalSoochowSoutheastNanjing AgriculturalNanjing Aeronautics and AstronauticsNanjing NormalNanjing Science and TechnologyNanjingZhejiangHefei TechnologyFujianXiamenFuzhouJiangxiNanchangShandongPetroleum HuadongZhengzhouGeosciences WuhanHuazhong Science and TechnologyHuazhong AgriculturalHuazhong NormalWuhan TechnologyZhongnan Economics and LawCentral SouthDefense TechnologyGuangdongSouth China NormalSouth China TechnologySun Yat-senGuangxiHainanChongqingSouthwestSichuanSouthwest JiaotongSouthwestern Finance and EconomicsGuizhouYunnanShaanxiAir Force MedicalChang'anNorthwest A&FNorthwestNorthwestern PolyXi'an JiaotongXidianLanzhouQinghaiNingxiaXinjiangShiheziProject 985