Huazhong Agricultural University

Huazhong Agricultural University (HZAU) is located in the main urban area of Wuhan, Hubei province in Central China.In 1979, it was designated as a key national university directly under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs by the State Council.Five disciplines -- namely biology, horticulture, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine and agricultural and forestry economic management -- were selected for the second round of construction disciplines under the national "double first-class" initiative.With the vision of becoming a world-famous, research-intensive university with world-class dominant disciplines and distinctive characteristics, Huazhong Agricultural University has made significant efforts and achieved remarkable results, particularly in the fields of hybrid rapeseed, green rice, high-quality breeding pigs, animal vaccines, premium citrus, test-tube potatoes, cotton, corn, and freshwater fish, among other crop products.The university trains a large number of innovative talents with global competence, and has made an impact on the world's scientific, technological and industrial development.
Hubei province211 Project"double first-class" constructionProject 211Higher educationuniversities in ChinaBeijingAgriculturalBeihangBeijing JiaotongCentral MusicCentral Finance and EconomicsChemical TechnologyCommunicationGeosciencesChinese MedicineInternational Business and EconomicsNormalUnion MedicalPetroleumPekingMiningPolitical Science and LawRenminScience and TechnologyTechnologyTsinghuaForeign StudiesForestryUniversity of TechnologyTianjinMedicalNankaiShanxiTaiyuan TechnologyInner MongoliaLiaoningDalian MaritimeDalian TechnologyNortheasternNortheast NormalYanbianHeilongjiangHarbin EngineeringHarbin TechnologyNortheast AgriculturalNortheast ForestryShanghaiDonghuaEast China NormalEast China Science and TechnologyNaval MedicalInternational StudiesShanghai JiaotongFinance and EconomicsTongjiJiangsuJiangnanPharmaceuticalSoochowSoutheastNanjing AgriculturalNanjing Aeronautics and AstronauticsNanjing NormalNanjing Science and TechnologyNanjingZhejiangHefei TechnologyFujianXiamenFuzhouJiangxiNanchangShandongPetroleum HuadongZhengzhouGeosciences WuhanHuazhong Science and TechnologyHuazhong NormalWuhan TechnologyZhongnan Economics and LawCentral SouthDefense TechnologyGuangdongSouth China NormalSouth China TechnologySun Yat-senGuangxiHainanChongqingSouthwestSichuanSouthwest JiaotongSouthwestern Finance and EconomicsElectronic Science and TechnologyGuizhouYunnanShaanxiAir Force MedicalChang'anNorthwest A&FNorthwestNorthwestern PolyXi'an JiaotongXidianLanzhouQinghaiNingxiaXinjiangShiheziProject 985Universities and collegesNationalWuhan UniversityHuazhong University of Science and TechnologyWuhan University of TechnologyChina University of GeosciencesCentral China Normal UniversityZhongnan University of Economics and LawSouth Central University for NationalitiesProvincialHubei UniversityJianghan UniversityWuhan University of Science and TechnologyHubei University of TechnologyWuhan Institute of TechnologyHubei University of Chinese MedicineWuhan Polytechnic UniversityWuhan Institute of Physical EducationHubei Institute of Fine ArtsWuhan Conservatory of MusicYangtze UniversityChina Three Gorges UniversityHubei University of Arts and ScienceHuanggang Normal UniversityPrivateHankou UniversityChutian College Huazhong Agricultural UniversityLuojia College, Wuhan UniversityWuhan Vocational College of Software and EngineeringList of universities in China