Yunnan nuthatch

It has a fine white eyebrow above a black eyestripe, which is distinct when the plumage is fresh, and exhibits a small degree of sexual dimorphism.The upperparts of the Yunnan nuthatch are blue-grey, including the calotte, despite being separated from the upper mantle by a paler area.It has a thin white eyebrow, which extends to the forehead and surmounts a black eyestripe, which widens noticeably on the back, on the sides of the mantle.[6] Its irises are dark brown, the bill gray-black with the base of the lower mandible horny or yellowish, and the legs and feet are gray-brown.[6] The species exhibits little sexual dimorphism, but the black of the female's eyestripe is on average less intense and its underparts are duller and grayer.[6] The young is duller than the adult, with the eyebrow less marked and not extending to the forehead, sometimes almost absent and consisting of a lighter cap margin.The Yunnan nuthatch is a fairly noisy bird, and typically makes many individual sounds: nit, kni, tit, pit, or a low and nasal toik.[6] In 1987, Chinese ornithologist Zheng Zuoxin described the Yunnan nuthatch as rare,[12] but it is locally common in areas such as Lijiang's pine forests.It has a small range of around 170,000 square kilometres (66,000 sq mi),[13] and the bird disappeared from several locations in the early twentieth century.
Digital drawing of a bird with grey upperparts, whitish underparts, and a black eyestripe
Schematic representation of the Yunnan nuthatch in fresh plumage.
Snow-capped mountains with pine trees in the foreground
View of the snow-covered Jade Dragon Snow Mountain , with Pinus yunnanensis pines in the foreground.
Black Dragon PoolYunnanConservation statusLeast ConcernIUCN 3.1Scientific classificationEukaryotaAnimaliaChordataPasseriformesSittidaeBinomial nameOgilvie-GrantspeciesWilliam Robert Ogilvie-Grantholotypeupperpartssexual dimorphismprefecturesSichuanGuizhouSouthwest ChinasprucedescribedornithologistCaptainred-breasted nuthatchChinese nuthatchCorsican nuthatchKrüper's nuthatchAlgerian nuthatchKarel VoousCharles Vauriemitochondrial DNAnuclearphylogenyiriseswing chordplumagerectricesfledgedgiant nuthatchchestnut-vented nuthatchinsectsJade Dragon Snow MountainPinus yunnanensisendemicHengduan Mountainssedentarysea levelShuangbai CountyZheng ZuoxinLijianghabitat destructionimpact of climate changenear-threatened speciesInternational Union for Conservation of NatureIUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesBulletin of the British Ornithologists' ClubA & C BlackChristopher HelmPrinceton University PressJournal of OrnithologyHandbook of the Birds of the WorldLynx EdicionsScience PressBirdLifeThe Raffles Bulletin of ZoologyWikidataWikispeciesARKiveAvibaseEURINGiNaturalistObservation.orgOpen Tree of LifeSpecies+Xeno-canto