BirdLife International

BirdLife International is a global partnership of non-governmental organizations that strives to conserve birds and their habitats.[6] BirdLife International publishes a quarterly magazine, BirdLife: The Magazine, which contains recent news and authoritative articles about birds and their conservation,[7][8] and publishes its official journal Bird Conservation International with Cambridge University Press.[17] In 2008, the English name of Wild Bird Federation Taiwan was renamed to Chinese Wild Bird Federation in order to comply with BirdLife International's demand, stemming from People's Republic of China's pressure.[18] Following the organization's removal from BirdLife International in 2020, the English name was changed to Taiwan Wild Bird Federation (TWBF).On 7 September 2020, before CWBF had the opportunity to discuss BirdLife International's demands in its General Assembly meeting, BirdLife International Global Council voted to remove CWBF from its partnership program.
A warden with an ICBP mark on his uniform on La Digue , Seychelles in the 1970s
CambridgeUnited Kingdomnon-governmental organizationshabitats116 country partner organizationsRoyal Society for the Protection of BirdsWild Bird Society of JapanNational Audubon SocietyAmerican Bird ConservancyImportant Bird and Biodiversity AreasInternational Union for Conservation of NatureRed Listcritically endangeredendangeredvulnerableBird Conservation InternationalCambridge University PressLa DigueornithologistsT. Gilbert PearsonJean Theodore DelacourPeople's Republic of ChinaTaiwan Wild Bird FederationTaiwan'sChinese Wild Bird FederationChineseRepublic of ChinaWikidataWayback Machine