Xeni Jardin
Xeni Jardin (/ˈʃɛni ʒɑːrˈdæ̃/; born Jennifer Hamm, August 5, 1970) is an American weblogger, digital media commentator,[2] and tech culture journalist.[6] Prior to becoming a journalist, she was site editor for travel agency Traveltrust,[7] then Supervisor of Enterprise Web Technology for Latham & Watkins[8] before working at Quaartz, an internet calendaring startup.[20] A June 2008 controversy over Jardin's deleting from public view all posts and links associated with sex blogger Violet Blue in the wake of a falling-out led to discussions about journalism ethics and standards and media transparency.[26] In December 2016, after a dispute with Julian Assange regarding the supposed relations between WikiLeaks and the Trump campaign, she resigned from its board, citing health reasons.[27] In 2019, Jardin replied "Homie what set you from" on Twitter, after claiming that Nancy Pelosi was "gangsta checkin'" Donald Trump and that only people from Los Angeles would understand.