Unprecedented (miniseries)
Unprecedented is a 2022 American-British documentary television miniseries revolving around the 2020 United States presidential election, which premiered on July 10, 2022, on Discovery+.[1][2] The documentary series includes previously unreleased footage[3] of the Trump family on the campaign trail and their reactions to the outcome of the election.[6] The events of the attack on the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, from the White House were filmed by Holder.[7] According to Holder, the idea behind the film was to find out who the Trumps were by way of the re-election campaign, and it ended up documenting the family’s “Succession-type vibe”.In interview to The Hollywood Reporter, the director mentioned he now has security guards: On Monday of last week, I had 112 followers on Twitter, the majority of them were probably my family, and now there’s just under 40,000… People are talking about me on TV shows.