Tidal range

The largest annual tidal range can be expected around the time of the equinox if it coincides with a spring tide.Sustained storm-force winds blowing from one direction combined with low barometric pressure can increase the tidal range, particularly in narrow bays.Larger bodies of water have higher ranges, and the geography can act as a funnel amplifying or dispersing the tide.[5] The world's largest mean tidal range of 11.7 metres (38.4 feet) occurs in the Bay of Fundy, Canada (more specificially, at Burntcoat Head, Nova Scotia).[8] The fifty coastal locations with the largest ranges worldwide are listed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States.
The M 2 tidal constituent , peak amplitude indicated by color. White lines are cotidal lines spaced at phase intervals of 30° (a bit over 1 hr). [ 3 ] Amphidromic points are the dark blue areas where the lines come together. These are amphidromic points, NOT tidal ranges. Tidal ranges can vary from 4 to 10 times what's marked on this map.
high tidelow tidesea levelsgravitational forcesEarth's rotationcentrifugal forcebarycenterspring tidessyzygysame directionnew moonopposite directionsfull moonequinoxlunar phasesneap tidesquadratureright angleEarth's orbitnational hydrographic officesbarometric pressurefloodingmean high wateramplitudecotidalAmphidromic pointsfunnelBay of FundyBurntcoat Head, Nova ScotiaUngava BayBristol ChannelNational Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationMediterraneanBalticCaribbean Seasamphidromic pointKing tidePhysical oceanographyAiry wave theoryBallantine scaleBenjamin–Feir instabilityBoussinesq approximationBreaking waveClapotisCnoidal waveCross seaDispersionEdge waveEquatorial wavesGravity waveGreen's lawInfragravity waveInternal waveIribarren numberKelvin waveKinematic waveLongshore driftLuke's variational principleMild-slope equationRadiation stressRogue waveDraupner waveRossby waveRossby-gravity wavesSea stateSeicheSignificant wave heightSolitonStokes driftStokes problemStokes waveTrochoidal waveTsunamimegatsunamiUndertowUrsell numberWave actionWave baseWave heightWave nonlinearityWave powerWave radarWave setupWave shoalingWave turbulenceWave–current interactionWaves and shallow waterone-dimensional Saint-Venant equationsshallow water equationsWind fetchWind setupWind waveCirculationAtmospheric circulationBaroclinityBoundary currentCoriolis forceCoriolis–Stokes forceCraik–Leibovich vortex forceDownwellingEkman layerEkman spiralEkman transportEl Niño–Southern OscillationGeneral circulation modelGeochemical Ocean Sections StudyGeostrophic currentGlobal Ocean Data Analysis ProjectGulf StreamHumboldt CurrentHydrothermal circulationLangmuir circulationLoop CurrentModular Ocean ModelOcean currentOcean dynamical thermostatOcean dynamicsOcean gyreOverflowPrinceton Ocean ModelRip currentSubsurface ocean currentSverdrup balanceThermohaline circulationshutdownUpwellingWhirlpoolWind generated currentWorld Ocean Circulation ExperimentEarth tideHead of tideInternal tideLunitidal intervalPerigean spring tideRip tideRule of twelfthsSlack tideTheory of tidesTidal boreTidal forceTidal powerTidal raceTidal resonanceTide gaugeTidelineLandformsAbyssal fanAbyssal plainBathymetric chartCarbonate platformCoastal geographyCold seepContinental marginContinental riseContinental shelfContouriteHydrographyOcean bankOceanic basinOceanic plateauOceanic trenchPassive marginSeabedSeamountSubmarine canyonSubmarine volcanoPlatetectonicsConvergent boundaryDivergent boundaryFracture zoneHydrothermal ventMarine geologyMid-ocean ridgeMohorovičić discontinuityOceanic crustOuter trench swellRidge pushSeafloor spreadingSlab pullSlab suctionSlab windowSubductionTransform faultVine–Matthews–Morley hypothesisVolcanic arcBenthicDeep ocean waterDeep seaLittoralMesopelagicOceanicPelagicPhoticSea levelDeep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of TsunamisGlobal Sea Level Observing SystemNorth West Shelf Operational Oceanographic SystemSea-level curveSea level dropSea level riseWorld Geodetic SystemAcousticsDeep scattering layerOcean acoustic tomographySofar bombSOFAR channelUnderwater acousticsJason-1OSTM/Jason-2Jason-3AcidificationBenthic landerColor of waterDSV AlvinMarginal seaMarine energyMarine pollutionMooringNational Oceanographic Data CenterExplorationsObservationsReanalysisOcean surface topographyOcean temperatureOcean thermal energy conversionOceanographyOutline of oceanographyPelagic sedimentSea surface microlayerSea surface temperatureSeawaterScience On a SphereStratificationThermoclineUnderwater gliderWater columnWorld Ocean Atlas