The Pope's Toilet
It is 1988, and Melo, a Uruguayan town on the Brazilian border, awaits the visit of Pope John Paul II. To the poor citizens of Melo this means pilgrims in need of food and drink, paper flags, souvenirs, and commemorative medals. Brimming with enthusiasm, the locals hope not only for divine blessing but also a small share of material happiness. Petty smuggler Beto is certain that he's found the best business idea of all: "The Pope’s Toilet", where the thousands of visiting pilgrims can find relief. Regardless of the claims made in the film's postscript committed to uphold a good sense of humor at all costs, international media reported the Pope's open-air mass in the town of Melo with 39,000 inhabitants was attended by a crowd of about 50,000 people.
Coat of arms Pope John Paul II
César Charlone Enrique Fernandez César Troncoso Spanish Uruguayan John Paul II 80th Academy Awards Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film Cinema of Uruguay List of submissions to the 80th Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film Variety Rotten Tomatoes Pope John Paul II Archbishop of Kraków Emilia Wojtyła (mother) Karol Wojtyła (father) Early life Papal conclave Assassination attempt Death and funeral dignitaries Beatification canonization Apologies Cardinals created People venerated People beatified Saints canonized Papal mediation in the Beagle conflict Pastoral visits Ireland Nicaragua United Kingdom World Day of the Sick World Youth Day Eastern Orthodox Church Judaism Abbà Pater Criticism Family home (historic house) Health John Paul II Foundation Monuments Totus tuus Bibliography Teachings Apostolic constitutions Sacrae disciplinae leges Pastor bonus Ex corde Ecclesiae Fidei depositum Universi Dominici gregis Apostolic exhortations Catechesi tradendae Familiaris consortio Redemptionis Donum Reconciliatio et paenitentia Christifideles laici Redemptoris custos Pastores dabo vobis Ecclesia in Africa Vita consecrata Une espérance nouvelle pour le Liban Ecclesia in America Ecclesia in Asia Ecclesia in Oceania Ecclesia in Europa Pastores gregis Ecclesiastical letters Dominicae cenae Salvifici doloris Mulieris dignitatem Ordinatio sacerdotalis Tertio millennio adveniente Letter to Women Ad tuendam fidem Novo millennio ineunte Misericordia Dei Rosarium Virginis Mariae The Rapid Development Encyclicals Redemptor hominis Dives in misericordia Laborem exercens Slavorum Apostoli Dominum et vivificantem Redemptoris Mater Sollicitudo rei socialis Redemptoris missio Centesimus annus Veritatis splendor Evangelium vitae Ut unum sint Fides et ratio Ecclesia de Eucharistia Love and Responsibility Crossing the Threshold of Hope Memory and Identity The Jeweler's Shop Theology of the Body Roman Triptych Testament Catechism of the Catholic Church Quattuor abhinc annos Dominus Iesus Papal Concert to Commemorate the Shoah Political views Scriptural Way of the Cross Eponymous places In popular culture Huntsville, AL Boca Raton, FL Tallahassee, FL Slidell, LA Hyannis, MA Greenville, NC Royersford, PA Hendersonville, TN Corpus Christi, TX Plano, TX Schertz, TX Dumfries, VA Lacey, WA Australia: Sydney Canada: London