Protected slot limits are most often used to regulate the harvest from waters where natural reproduction of the concerned fish species occurs.With the size of the most sexually productive fish protected from harvest it is likely that an increased number will spawn during a given year and hence lead to more naturally produced individuals.The effort to increase the number of fish through natural reproduction mitigates the need for artificial stocking of a species to provide for a viable recreational fishery.In such a scenario the protection of large numbers of medium-sized fish translates into a higher success rate of those that exceed the slot limit.The main challenge lies in the economic, ecological, and social factors that fisheries managers must consider when implementing harvest regulations such as protected slot limits.Anglers spend millions of dollars and travel countless miles to fish for Lake Mille Lacs walleye (Sander vitreus) which is highly sought after for its table fare as well as its sporting qualities.Before a slot limit can be put into action, four things must be taken into consideration in order to make sure no harm is done to the ecosystem: Growth rate can be defined as how long it takes for a fish to reach a given size.[6] If a lake has a high recruitment, this is a good situation for a state to use the slot limit because it will help control the number of small fish in a population.