Shensuo (spacecraft)

[3] The program will feature two or three space probes that were initially planned to be launched in 2024 and follow differing trajectories to encounter Jupiter to assist them out of the Solar System.[1][9] IHP-1 and IHP-2 would be the sixth and seventh spacecraft to leave the Solar System, as well as first non-NASA probes to achieve this status.[10] The probes are proposed to carry the following suite of instruments:[4] The goal of the spacecraft is to have travelled a total of 100 astronomical units by 2049, which is the centennial celebration of the People's Republic of China's founding.In March 2029 the probe will fly by Jupiter to send it on a trajectory toward the nose of the heliosphere and potentially make observations of centaurs or Kuiper belt objects, including the flyby of Quaoar, along the way.The flyby of Jupiter in May 2033 will send it on a path to fly by Neptune in January 2038 at only 1,000 kilometers above its cloud tops.
True color NASA image of Neptune
True color NASA image of Neptune
Chinese National Space Administrationgravity assistJupiter50000 QuaoarNeptuneTritonChineseheliosphereinterstellar spacespace probesleave the Solar SystemVoyager 1Voyager 2New HorizonsSaturnKuiper belt objectsPioneer 10Solar SystemCassini–Huygensradioisotope thermoelectric generatorscosmic raysLong March 3BLong March 5dwarf planetQuaoarWeywotCentaurCOVID-19 pandemicMagnetometerElectromagnetic radiationPeople's Republic of ChinacentaursTianwen-4UranusInterstellar ProbeTridentNeptune OdysseyIp, Wing-HuenChinese spacecraftDouble StarFengyunGaofenHuanjingShiyanTanSatTansuoTianhuiYaoganZiyuanDong Fang HongApstarAsiasatChinaSatQianfanShijianSinosatTiantong 1QueqiaoQueqiao 2Tiandu 1 and 2Tianlian ConstellationBeiDou-1BeiDou-2Beidou-3Longjiang-2Lobster Eye Imager for AstronomyEinstein ProbeXuntianChinese Lunar Exploration ProgramChang'e 1Chang'e 2Chang'e 3Chang'e 5-T1Chang'e 4Yutu-2Chang'e 5Chang'e 6Chang'e 7Chang'e 8Yinghuo-1Tianwen-1ZhurongTianwen-2Tianwen-3Chinese space programChina National Space Administration (CNSA)China Aerospace Science and Technology CorporationChina Manned Space AgencyPeople's Liberation Army Astronaut CorpsPeople's Liberation Army Aerospace ForceSpaceportsJiuquanTaiyuanWenchangXichangSiziwang BannerLaunch vehiclesLong March 1Long March 2Long March 3Long March 3ALong March 3CLong March 4Long March 4ALong March 4BLong March 4CLong March 6Long March 7Long March 8Long March 9Long March 10Long March 11Long March 12KuaizhouKaituozheShuguangChang'eTiangongTianwenYinghuo 1Yutu roverYutu-2 roverZhurong roverSpace Solar TelescopeGaofen SeriesHaiyang SeriesYaogan SeriesZiyuan SeriesHumanspaceflightShenzhou 1Shenzhou 2Shenzhou 3Shenzhou 4Shenzhou 8Shenzhou 5Shenzhou 6Shenzhou 7Shenzhou 9Shenzhou 10Shenzhou 11Shenzhou 12Shenzhou 13Shenzhou 14Shenzhou 15Shenzhou 16Shenzhou 17Shenzhou 18List of Chinese astronautsTiangong 1Tiangong 2Tianzhou 1Tianzhou 2Tianzhou 3Tianzhou 4Tianzhou 5Tianzhou 6Tiangong space stationTianheWentianMengtianBeiDou Navigation Satellite SystemApstar SeriesChinasat SeriesTianlian ITianlian IIChinese reusable experimental spacecraftFSW ProgramShijian SeriesXPNAV 1Lanyue Lunar LanderSpacecraft missionsPioneer programVoyager programUlyssesGalileoGalileo ProbeJupiter Icy Moons ExplorerEuropa ClipperEuropa LanderEuropa Jupiter System Mission-LaplaceJupiter Europa OrbiterJupiter Ganymede OrbiterJupiter Magnetospheric OrbiterEuropa OrbiterInnovative Interstellar ExplorerIo Volcano ObserverJovian Europa OrbiterJupiter Icy Moons OrbiterLaplace-PNew Horizons 2OKEANOSPioneer HTsiolkovsky missionExploration of JupiterAtmosphere of JupiterMagnetosphere of JupiterMoons of JupiterExplorationEuropaGanymedeCallistoRings of JupiterDeep Space NetworkMissions to outer planetsColonization of the outer Solar SystemOutline of NeptuneGreat Dark SpotSmall Dark SpotThalassaDespinaGalateaLarissaHippocampProteusNereidHalimedeS/2002 N 5LaomedeiaPsamatheS/2021 N 1DiscoveryUrbain Le VerrierJohann Gottfried GalleJohn Couch AdamsHeinrich Louis d'ArrestWilliam LassellKuiper beltNeptune-crossing minor planetsTrojans385571 Otrera385695 Clete2001 QR3222004 KV182005 TN532006 RJ1032007 VL3052008 LC182011 HM102ODINUSTriton HopperMariner Mark IIFictionMythologyminor planetscometsList of minor planets and comets visited by spacecraftList of artificial objects on extraterrestrial surfacesOSIRIS-APEXPsycheClementineCONTOURDeep ImpactDeep Space 1Halley ArmadaGiottoSakigakeSuiseiVega 1Vega 2International Cometary ExplorerLICIACubeNEA ScoutNEAR ShoemakerPROCYONRosettaStardustTimelineHayabusaMINERVAHayabusa2PhilaeOSIRIS-RExDESTINY+MBR ExplorerComet InterceptorRamsesAsteroid Redirect MissionAthenaCAESARCastaliaCentaurusChimeraClementine 2Comet HopperCONDORCORSAIRDon QuijoteHAMMERHayabusa Mk2MAOSEPMANTISMarco PoloAsteroid beltAsteroid captureAsteroid miningColonization of asteroidsSmall Solar System bodiesNear-Earth objectTrans-Neptunian objectColonizationTrojan