Senate Report on Iraqi WMD Intelligence

Portions of the phase II report not released at that time include the review of public statements by U.S. government leaders prior to the war, and the assessment of the activities of Douglas Feith and the Pentagon's Office of Special Plans.In the first half of 2002, a series of public statements by President Bush and senior members of his administration indicated a willingness to use force, if necessary, to remove Saddam Hussein from power.Over the next several months the U.S. conducted a diplomatic effort at the United Nations, seeking to obtain that body's approval for a new WMD inspection regime, and, potentially, for the use of force to overthrow the Iraqi government.The UN Security Council passed resolution 1441 on November 8, 2002, calling on Iraq to make "an accurate full, final, and complete disclosure" of its WMD programs, and threatening "serious consequences" if it did not comply.As part of that effort U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell gave a presentation to the UN on February 5, 2003, in which he detailed false intelligence gatherings regarding Iraqi WMD.The USA was faced with the opposition of a majority of the Security Council's members, including Germany, France, and Russia, and afterwards abandoned the effort to obtain an explicit use-of-force authorization from the UN.The following eight Democrats made up the rest of the Committee: Vice-Chairman Jay Rockefeller (D-WV), Carl Levin (D-MI), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Ronald Wyden (D-OR), Dick Durbin (D-IL), Evan Bayh (D-IN), John Edwards (D-NC), and Barbara Mikulski (D-MD).The new elements added to the investigation were: On June 17, 2004, Senators Roberts and Rockefeller announced that the completed report had been unanimously approved by the Committee's members, and that they were working with the CIA on the issue of declassification.The 511-page report focuses much of its attention on the October, 2002, classified National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) titled Iraq's Continuing Programs for Weapons of Mass Destruction.It also discusses the process whereby references to Iraq's uranium-procurement efforts were removed from some speeches at the behest of intelligence officials, but left in President Bush's 2003 State of the Union address.There is discussion of "CURVEBALL," an Iraqi defector who provided much of the information regarding Iraq's alleged mobile bioweapons labs, although much of the material in this part of the report has been redacted.The report concludes that the October 2002 NIE and other statements regarding Iraq's biological and chemical WMD and associated delivery systems were for the most part not supported by the underlying intelligence data supplied to the Committee.Despite this, the Committee concluded that "[m]uch of the information provided or cleared by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) for inclusion in Secretary Powell's speech was overstated, misleading, or incorrect."In part, the white paper was a response to Congressional requests for an unclassified version of the information in the NIE, since that document was available only to a small group of lawmakers due to its classified nature.Abu Musab al-Zarqawi had been present in Baghdad, and Ansar al-Islam, an al-Qaeda affiliate organization that identified itself as the "sworn enemy" of Saddam Hussein had operated in northeastern Iraq in an area under Kurdish control.It focuses on the issues of information sharing and Human Intelligence (HUMINT), and rebuts the allegation of "pressure" contained in the additional view by Senators Rockefeller, Levin, and Durbin.Senator Olympia Snow (R-ME) wrote in her additional view that the Committee's report revealed poor management and a lack of accountability in the intelligence community, and she called for strong reforms.At the time of the report's release (July 9, 2004), Democratic members of the committee expressed the hope that "phase two" of the investigation, which was to include an assessment of how the Iraqi WMD intelligence was used by senior policymakers, would be completed quickly.On March 10, 2005, during a question-and-answer session after a speech he had given at the Woodrow Wilson Center, Senator Roberts said of the failure to complete phase two, "[T]hat is basically on the back burner."In a statement regarding the release of the report of the presidential WMD commission on March 31, 2005, Senator Roberts wrote, "I don't think there should be any doubt that we have now heard it all regarding prewar intelligence.[9] Two volumes of the phase II report were released on September 8, 2006: "Postwar Findings about Iraq's WMD Programs and Links to Terrorism and How they Compare with Prewar Assessments" and "The Use by the Intelligence Community of Information Provided by the Iraqi National Congress."The report concludes that the intelligence community had assessed that establishing a stable government in Iraq would be a "long, difficult, and probably turbulent challenge," that Iraqi society was deeply divided and would engage in violent conflict unless an occupying power took steps to prevent it, and that the war would increase the threat of terrorism, at least temporarily.The intelligence community also assessed that a U.S. defeat and occupation of Iraq would lead to a surge in political Islam and increased funding for terrorist groups, and that the war would not cause other countries in the region to abandon their WMD programs.The Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Sen.Jay Rockefeller, stated in press release of report's publication "It is my belief that the Bush Administration was fixated on Iraq, and used the 9/11 attacks by al Qa'ida as justification for overthrowing Saddam Hussein.[10] Writing for the Minority Opinion as part of the report it was stated that "After four years of making unsubstantiated allegations of unlawful activities, the calculus appears to be that proclamations of "inappropriate" behavior will generate the desired headlines focusing only on the caustic words, rather than the lack of substance behind them.
U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell displays a vial of anthrax during his presentation to the UN Security Council , February 5, 2003. CIA Director George Tenet (left) and UN Ambassador John Negroponte look on from behind. The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence found that many of the allegations in the speech were not supported by the underlying intelligence.
President George W. Bush addresses the nation from the Oval Office, March 19, 2003, to announce the beginning of Operation Iraqi Freedom . "The people of the United States and our friends and allies will not live at the mercy of an outlaw regime that threatens the peace with weapons of mass murder." [ 1 ] The Senate committee found that many of the administration's pre-war statements about Iraqi WMD were not supported by the underlying intelligence.
President George Bush, surrounded by leaders of the House and Senate, announces the Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq , October 2, 2002. Lawmakers debated and passed the resolution during the following two weeks, basing their votes in part on the information in the classified National Intelligence Estimate and the unclassified white paper on Iraqi WMD – documents that the Senate report on pre-war intelligence found to have been deeply flawed.
Colin Powellpresentation to the UN Security CouncilUnited States Senate Select Committee on IntelligenceU.S. intelligence community2003 invasion of IraqOffice of Special PlansGulf WarRichard ButlerBill ClintonOperation Desert FoxGeorge W. BushSeptember 11 attacksjoint resolution authorizing the use of forceresolution 1441a presentation to the UN on February 5, 2003Operation Iraqi Freedominvaded IraqIraq Survey GroupPat RobertsSenate Select Committee on IntelligenceOrrin HatchMichael DeWineKit BondTrent LottOlympia SnoweChuck HagelSaxby ChamblissJohn WarnerJay RockefellerCarl LevinDianne FeinsteinRonald WydenDick DurbinEvan BayhJohn EdwardsBarbara MikulskiMurray WaasCentral Intelligence AgencyDefense Intelligence AgencyDepartment of DefenseCURVEBALLColin Powell's presentation to the United Nations Security CouncilJoint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against IraqSaddam–al-Qaeda conspiracy theoryAbu Musab al-ZarqawiAnsar al-Islampresidential WMD commissionDouglas FeithNancy PelosiDennis KucinichHouse of RepresentativesimpeachWhite HouseButler ReviewIraq and weapons of mass destructionIraq disarmament crisisIraq Intelligence CommissionUnited Nations Security Council and the Iraq WarU.S. Senate Select Committee on IntelligenceWayback MachineIraq WarIraqi conflictPrelude17 July RevolutionIranian Revolution1979 Ba'ath Party PurgeIran–Iraq WarBritishU.S. support for IraqChemical attacks against IranAnfal campaignIran–Contra affairInvasion of KuwaitNayirah testimonySanctions against IraqNo-fly zones1991 uprisingsUNSCOMArms-to-Iraq affairOil-for-Food ProgrammeInvestigationsAftermathWar on terror2001 anthrax attacksU.S. War in AfghanistanInvasionRationaleWMD claimsYellowcake uraniumAluminum tubesBiological weaponsChemical weapons"Curveball"Mobile weapon labsPragueRicin claimsAmerican imperialismBush DoctrineWolfowitz DoctrineColin Powell's UN presentationDisarmament crisisUNMOVICFailed peace initiativesIraq resolutionUK parliament's support for invasionIraqi–Kurdish conflictLegalityLegitimacy of the invasionMedia coverageMilitary analyst programRapid response operationSaddam's alleged shredderPreemptive warSaddam Hussein and human rightsHabbush letterDowning Street memoSeptember DossierVilnius letterLetter of the eightBush–Blair 2003 memoFebruary DossierBush–Aznar memoInvasion (2003)Occupation (2003–2011)Insurgency2003–06 periodAnbar campaignFallujahCapture of Saddam HusseinInterrogationExecutionReactions2006 al-Askari mosque bombingCivil war (2006–08)2007 U.S. troop surgetimelineU.S. withdrawalStatus of forces agreementInvasion(2003)Preparations for invasionMulti-National ForceBattle of NasiriyahFall of BaghdadBattle of Debecka PassFirdos Square statueMission Accomplished speechUS public opinionOccupation(2003–2011)Occupation of RamadiDe-Ba'athification100 OrdersCPA Order 2CPA Order 17U.S. military basesReconstructionDevelopment FundEconomic reformAl Qa'qaa high explosivesU.S. kill or capture strategyReplacementgovernmentsCoalition Provisional AuthorityIraqi Governing CouncilInterim Government2005 parliamentary electionsTransitional GovernmentConstitutionRatificationParticipantsAustraliaBa'athist IraqDenmarkGeorgiaPolandSouth KoreaThailandUkraineUnited KingdomUnited StatesIslamic Army in Iraq1920 Revolution BrigadesJaish al-RashideenIslamic Front for the Iraqi ResistanceHamas of IraqJeish MuhammadMujahideen Shura CouncilIslamic State of IraqAl-Qaeda in IraqJaish al-Ta'ifa al-MansurahJama'at al-Tawhid wal-JihadJamaat Ansar al-SunnaAnsar al-Islam in KurdistanBlack Banner OrganizationWakefulness and Holy WarAbu TheebAbu Bakr Al-Salafi ArmyMujahideen ArmyMahdi ArmyAbu DeraaBadr OrganizationIslamic Supreme Council of IraqSheibani NetworkSoldiers of HeavenAsa'ib Ahl al-HaqPromised Day BrigadeKata'ib HezbollahFedayeen SaddamAl-AwdaPopular ArmyAl-Abud NetworkArmy of the Men of the Naqshbandi OrderSupreme Command for Jihad and LiberationoperationsAncient BabylonCatalystDesert ScorpionDesert ThrustFalconerIron HammerIron JusticeIvy BlizzardNorthern DelayAirborne DragonPanther SqueezePeninsula StrikePlanet XCapture of Saddam Hussein (Red Dawn)Baton RougeBulldog MammothIron SaberNew Dawn (Al Fajr)Phantom FuryPhantom LinebackerPlymouth 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IIBaqubahRoute BismarckDonkey IslandKarbala IIIIraqi Day of AshuraNinevehBasra IIIAl-Qaeda offensivePalm GroveTurkish incursions into northern IraqAbu Kamal raidU.S. killings of journalistsFallujah killingsKilling of Nadhem AbdullahMurder of Muhamad Husain KadirMukaradeeb wedding party massacreHaifa Street helicopter incidentTal Afar shootingsBasra prison incidentHaditha massacreMahmudiyah rape and killingsIshaqi massacreHamdania incidentIron Triangle MurdersBaghdad airstrikeNisour Square massacreIraq War LogsAbu Ghraib prisonCamp BuccaCamp NamaDeath of Nagem HatabKilling of Baha MousaDeath of Abed Hamed MowhoushKilling of Manadel al-JamadiDeath of Fashad MohamedOther killingsand bombingsJordanian embassyCanal HotelImam Ali mosque bombingBaghdad October 2003Erbil 2004Ashura massacreBasra 2004Mosul 20042004 church bombings14 September30 SeptemberKarbala and Najaf bombingsBaqubah 2004Kufa mosque bombingAl Hillah 2005Erbil 2005Musayyib bombingAugustSeptemberBalad 2005Khanaqin bombingsKarbala and RamadiAl-Askari mosque 2006Buratha mosque bombingNovemberHayy Al-Jihad massacreMustansiriya University22 January3 February12 February18 February29 March18 April26 July1 AugustAl Hillah 2007Tal Afar 2007Iraqi Parliament2007 Karbala mosque bombingsApril massacreQahtaniyah bombingsMakhmourAbu SaydaAl-Askari mosque 2007Al-Khilani mosque bombingAmirli bombingKirkuk 2007Al Amarah bombingsFebruaryBalad 2008Karbala 2008Al-KarmahDujail bombingBalad Ruz bombingAttacks on Christians in Mosul6 AprilOctoberDecemberBaghdad–MiqdadiyahTaza bombingKirkuk 2009Tal Afar 200910 May25 AugustJanuaryBaqubah 2010Baghdad church massacreArba'een bombingsTikrit assaultAl Hillah 2011Samarra bombingAl Diwaniyah bombingTaji bombingsKarbala 2011Basra 2011Raid on Camp Ashraf (2011)Archaeological lootingChlorine bombingsUnited States and the International Criminal CourtHague Invasion ActProsecution for the 2003 invasionAbtan v. BlackwaterHamdan v. RumsfeldSaleh v. 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