
Systems with one degree of freedom, such as a mass on a spring, pendulums, balance wheels, and LC tuned circuits have one resonant frequency.The material of the resonator, through which the waves flow, can be viewed as being made of millions of coupled moving parts (such as atoms).An electrical circuit composed of discrete components can act as a resonator when both an inductor and capacitor are included.A distributed-parameter resonator has capacitance, inductance, and resistance that cannot be isolated into separate lumped capacitors, inductors, or resistors.The magnetic field causes the electrons, attracted to the (relatively) positive outer part of the chamber, to spiral outward in a circular path rather than moving directly to this anode.A portion of this field is extracted with a short antenna that is connected to a waveguide (a metal tube usually of rectangular cross section).The waveguide directs the extracted RF energy to the load, which may be a cooking chamber in a microwave oven or a high gain antenna in the case of radar.The beam of charged particles passes through the apertures of the resonators, often tunable wave reflection grids, in succession.On the beamline of an accelerator system, there are specific sections that are cavity resonators for radio frequency (RF) radiation.The loop-gap resonator (LGR) is made by cutting a narrow slit along the length of a conducting tube.One key advantage of the LGR is that, at its resonant frequency, its dimensions are small compared to the free-space wavelength of the electromagnetic fields.Abrupt change of impedance (e.g. open or short) in a transmission line causes reflection of the transmitted signal.Planar transmission-line resonators are commonly employed for coplanar, stripline, and microstrip transmission lines.The high dimensional stability and low temperature coefficient of quartz helps keeps resonant frequency constant.In addition, the quartz's piezoelectric property converts the mechanical vibrations into an oscillating voltage, which is picked up by the attached electrodes.For example, a multiple degree of freedom system can be created by imposing a base excitation on a cantilever beam.Organ pipes, the bodies of woodwinds, and the sound boxes of stringed instruments are examples of acoustic cavity resonators.[7] The "exhaust note" is an important feature for some vehicle owners, so both the original manufacturers and the after-market suppliers use the resonator to enhance the sound.This resonance effect is caused by a feedback loop and is applied to drive the fundamental tones, octaves, 5th, 3rd to an infinite sustain.
A standing wave in a rectangular cavity resonator
An illustration of the electric and magnetic field of one of the possible modes in a cavity resonator.
RF cavities in the linac of the Australian Synchrotron are used to accelerate and bunch beams of electrons ; the linac is the tube passing through the middle of the cavity.
A sport motorcycle, equipped with exhaust resonator, designed for performance
Resonator (disambiguation)resonanceoscillatesamplitudefrequenciesresonant frequencieselectromagneticacousticquartz crystalsradio transmittersquartz watchesmicrowave cavitiestuned circuitsHelmholtz resonatorsdegrees of freedomharmonic oscillatorpendulumsbalance wheelsLC tuned circuitscoupled pendulumsresonant transformerscrystal latticeinterferestanding wavessinusoidalnormal modesharmonicsfundamental frequencydrumheadmicrowave cavityovertonesElectromagnetismElectricityMagnetismOpticsHistoryComputationalTextbooksPhenomenaElectrostaticsCharge densityConductorCoulomb lawElectretElectric chargeElectric dipoleElectric fieldElectric fluxElectric potentialElectrostatic dischargeElectrostatic inductionGauss lawInsulatorPermittivityPolarizationPotential energyStatic electricityTriboelectricityMagnetostaticsAmpère lawBiot–Savart lawGauss magnetic lawMagnetic dipoleMagnetic fieldMagnetic fluxMagnetic scalar potentialMagnetic vector potentialMagnetizationPermeabilityElectrodynamicsBremsstrahlungCyclotron radiationDisplacement currentEddy currentElectromagnetic fieldElectromagnetic inductionElectromagnetic pulseElectromagnetic radiationFaraday lawJefimenko equationsLarmor formulaLenz lawLiénard–Wiechert potentialLondon equationsLorentz forceMaxwell equationsMaxwell tensorPoynting vectorSynchrotron radiationElectrical networkAlternating currentCapacitanceCurrent densityDirect currentElectric currentElectric powerElectrolysisElectromotive forceImpedanceInductanceJoule heatingKirchhoff lawsNetwork analysisOhm lawResistanceVoltageWaveguidesMagnetic circuitAC motorDC motorElectric machineElectric motorGyrator–capacitorInduction motorLinear motorMagnetomotive forcePermeanceReluctance (complex)Reluctance (real)StatorTransformerCovariant formulationElectromagnetic tensorElectromagnetism and special relativityFour-currentFour-potentialMathematical descriptionsMaxwell equations in curved spacetimeRelativistic electromagnetismStress–energy tensorAmpèreCoulombEinsteinFaradayFizeauHeavisideHelmholtzHopkinsonJefimenkoKelvinKirchhoffLarmorLiénardLorentzMaxwellNeumannØrstedPoissonPoyntingRitchieSavartSingerSteinmetzThomsonWiechertelectrical resonanceinductorcapacitorresistorresonant circuitsRLC circuitsdistributed-parameterfilteringhelical resonatorparasitic capacitanceparasitic oscillationsTesla coilelectromagnetic wavesmicrowaveQ factorsbandwidthbandpass filtersmicrowave oscillatorscavity magnetronwaveguideklystronparticle acceleratorreflex klystronAustralian Synchrotronelectronsbeamlineradio frequencysuperconducting niobium cavitiesloop-gap resonatorDielectric resonatorTransmission linesresonant stubshort circuitcoplanarstriplinemicrostripoptical cavitymechanical resonanceelectronic circuitsfrequencypiezoelectric resonatorsquartztuning forkpiezoelectriccrystal oscillatorsquartz clocksclock signalstanding wavesensordimensional metrologyAcoustic resonancemusical instrumentsxylophonestringed instrumentssound boxguitarviolinOrgan pipeswoodwindsexhaust systemsmufflerafter-market supplierstuned exhaustkeyboard percussionacoustic cavity resonatorresonatestremolovibraphoneresonator guitarbluegrassfolk musicten-string guitarNarciso Yepesguitar resonatorsustainCoupling coefficient of resonatorsCrab cavityNuclear magnetic resonanceOptical ring resonatorsSuperconducting RFResonance chamberBibcodeJ. Appl. Phys.Office of Technology Assessment