Holy Qurbana

These churches are primarily based in the Middle East and India, with diasporic communities settled in the western world.The Holy Qurbana is referred to as "complete" worship, since it is performed for the benefit of all members of the Church.In the form given in the oldest manuscripts, all of the High Middle Ages, this anaphora does not include the Words of Institution, a matter that raised ecumenical concerns.The Qudasha or Eucharistic Prayer that is part of the East Syriac Rite is of particular interest, being one of the oldest in Christianity, possibly dating back to 3rd-century Edessa,[1] even if the outline of the current form can only be traced as far back as the time of the Patriarch Ishoyahb III in the 7th century.[4] Instead, hmira, fermented dough from previously used sacramental bread, is added and acts as leaven.
A Bishop of the Syro-Malabar Church celebrates Holy Qurbana at the tomb of St.Peter.
The text of the Qurbana according to the Syro-Malabar Catholic Church in English
Sacramental bread in East Syriac tradition prepared with Holy Malka
Holy QuroboHoly Qurbana (disambiguation)EucharistDivine LiturgyDivine ServiceRequiemSolemnConsecrationAnaphoraEpiclesisWords of InstitutionAnamnesisClosedopen tableCommunion under both kindsAdorationDisciplineThanksgivingReserved sacramentFeast of Corpus ChristiFirst CommunionInfant communionViaticumChaliceFractionIntinctionOrigin of the EucharistCatholic historical rootsTheologyReal presenceConsubstantiationImpanationMetousiosisReceptionismSacramental unionTransignificationTransubstantiationMemorialismSacramentariansSacramentOrdinanceAnglicanCatholicLatter-day SaintLutheranReformedAgape feastChristian views on alcoholEucharistic miracleHost desecrationSyriacEastern SyriacEucharisticliturgySyriac Christianityliturgical booksChurch of the EastEdessanliturgical riteEast Syriac RiteHoly Qurbana of Saints Addai and MariThomas the ApostleMiddle Eastdiasporic communitieswestern worldAssyrian Church of the EastChaldean Syrian ChurchAncient Church of the EastSyro-Malabar ChurchChaldean Catholic Churchsui iurisEastern Catholic ChurchesHebrewArabickorbansacramentsPersianSeleucia-CtesiphonLiturgy of Mar Addai and MariKeralaEdessan RiteLiturgy of Addai and MariEdessaSaint AddaidiscipleSaint Thomas the ApostleSaint MariHigh Middle AgesQudashaIshoyahb IIIHallowing of Theodore of MopsuestiaQudasha of Theodore of MopsuestialiturgiesTheodore of MopsuestiaAdventSunday of the HossanasHallowing of NestoriusQudasha of NestoriusNestoriusPatriarch of ConstantinopleEpiphanySt. John the BaptistMar DiodoreMar Theodore the interpreterRogation of the NinevitesFeast of the PassoverHoly LeavenSacramental breadleavened breadEastern Christianityleavening agentMass in the Catholic ChurchMystery of CrowningCatholic ChurchBaptismConfirmationPenanceAnointing of the SickHoly OrdersMatrimonyDivine Liturgy of the Presanctified GiftsDivine Liturgy of St. Basil the GreatDivine Liturgy of St. John ChrysostomHoly QurbonoLow MassMissa CantataSolemn MassPontifical High MassPapal MassCanonical hoursLiturgical hoursMatinsVespersEvensongRamshaComplineAspergesBenediction of the Blessed SacramentExorcismFuneralLiturgy of the HoursLiturgical literatureAgpeyaAntiphonaryBook of hoursBreviaryRoman BreviaryCustomaryEuchologionGospel BookGradualHorologionLectionaryMartyrologyPontificalRoman PontificalPsalterMissalRoman MissalTonaryRoman RitualSacramentaryLiturgical languageEcclesiastical LatinLiturgical use of LatinLiturgicalritesLatin ChurchLatinliturgical ritesAmbrosian RiteRite of BragaMozarabic RiteRite of LyonRoman RiteMass of Paul VIExtraordinary FormTridentine MassAnglican UseZaire UseOrdersBenedictine RiteCarmelite RiteCarthusian RiteCistercian RiteDominican RiteNorbertine RiteAfrican RiteAquileian RiteCeltic RiteDurham RiteHereford UseSarum UseYork UseGallican RiteMissa NauticaMissa siccaMissa VenatoriaPre-Tridentine MassEastern CatholicChurchesEastern CatholicliturgyAlexandrian RiteArmenian RiteAntiochene RiteWest SyriacMalankaraByzantine RiteMalabar