Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts

The Presanctified is used on the weekdays of Great Lent, a season of repentance, fasting, and intensified prayer when the more frequent reception of communion is desirable; however, the full Divine Liturgy having a joyful character is not in keeping with the somberness of the season of repentance (Eucharist literally means 'thanksgiving') and so the Presanctified is substituted.If the consecrated Lamb is already on table of prothesis, the priest puts it on the diskos, pours wine and water in the chalice, covers and censes them.During the second antiphon, the priest, preceded by a deacon with a lighted candle, processes round the holy table thrice, each time censing it in the form of a cross.The priest then emerges from the altar carrying a candle and censer, proclaiming, 'The Light of Christ illumines all,' while the congregation make a prostration.This is a litany which was historically used at all liturgies at this time, and is for those who have completed their catechism (thus ceasing to be catechumens) but must wait until Holy Saturday to be received into the church.On the previous Sunday, additional Lambs (hosts) are prepared and consecrated, enough for all of the Presanctified Liturgies that will be celebrated in the coming week.In the Anglican Communion, the Book of Common Prayer for the United States provides likewise for the consecration of the reserved sacrament on Maundy Thursday and its reception at the special liturgy of Good Friday.
Saint Gregory Dialogus , who is credited with compiling the Divine Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts
"The Divine and Holy Liturgy of St. Gregory the Dialogist translated by Col. Philip Ludwell III "
Gregory DialogusPhilip Ludwell IIISaint Gregory the DialogistByzantine RiteweekdaysGreat LentcommunionDivine Liturgyanaphora (Eucharistic Prayer)repentancefastingprayerparishfeast daypolyeleosTypiconHoly WeekLiturgiconvesperalkathismaSongs of AscentsMatinstable of prothesisdiskoscensesprostratessticheraidiomelonapostichaTriodionMenaiontheotokionOctoechosO Gladsome LightProkimenonBook of GenesisBook of ExodusBook of ProverbsBook of JobPrayer of Saint EphremCherubic HymnGreat Entrancefull prostrationintincteddeaconconsume all the undistributed communionkolyvaconsecratedconsecrationrubricBlood of ChristreservedPope Gregory Ipapal legateConstantinopleQuinisext CouncilAnnunciationEastern Orthodox ChurchByzantine CatholicschurchesGood FridayRoman RiteMass of the PresanctifiedHoly Communionreserved sacramentHoly ThursdayMalankara RiteIndian Orthodox ChurchLiturgy of St. JamesAssyrian Church of the EastAthensSymeon of ThessalonikiBrookline, MassachusettsHellenic College and Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of TheologyOrthodox Church in AmericaGreek Orthodox Archdiocese of AmericaRuthenian Catholic ChurchEastern ChristianServicesLiturgy of Saint BasilLiturgy of Saint JamesLiturgy of Saint John ChrysostomLiturgy of Saint MarkMidnight OfficeOrthrosInter-HoursTypicaAll-night vigilInsufflationMinor exorcismMemory EternalMemorial serviceChrismationGreat HoursEpitaphios ThrenosEpitafioGood Friday Prayerfor the JewsImproperiaPaschal HomilyPaschal HoursMystery of CrowningAlleluiaAntiphonDismissalEcphonesisEcteniaGospelLaying on of handsLord's PrayerMegalynarionAxion EstinPolychronionProkeimenonSign of the CrossTrinitarian formulaTroparionKatavasiaPaschal troparionYpakoeTon DespotinTrisagionUsual beginningAnaphoraAnamnesisEpiclesisCherubikonEntranceEntrance prayersKairosLet all mortal flesh keep silenceLiturgy of PreparationOffertoryOnly-begotten SonSursum cordaZapivkaApolytikionArtoklasiaDoxologyExapostilarionParaklesisMatins GospelSub tuum praesidiumSticheronDoxastikonTheos KyriosAcolytealtar serverCanonarchLampadariusCenserHegumenSubdeaconAltar candleAltar lampAnalogionAnointing brushAntiminsEagle rugIconostasisLavaboRoyal doorsSoleasTabernacleTable of OblationTemplonAntidoronAsteriskAzymiteBaptismal fontBlessing crossCandelabraChrismCrosierCrucifixDikirion and trikirionPaschal trikirionEpitaphiosHoly waterIncenseKolivaKhorugvLiturgical fanOil of catechumensPodruchnikProcessional crossProsphorasacramental breadRose waterSacramental wineSanctuary lampThuribleEuchologionEvangeliaryHorologionIrmologionMenologionPatristic writingsPentecostarionPsalterSynaxarionBaptismal clothingCassockChoir dressEngolpionEpigonationEpimanikiaEpitrachelionKlobukMantleNabedrennikOmophorionOrarionPectoral crossPhelonionSakkosLiturgical calendarPre-Lenten SeasonPaschaApostles' FastDormition FastNativity FastAfterfeastMoveable observancesPaschal cycleTwelve Great FeastsEucharistic disciplineBowingSeven bow beginningChurch etiquetteClosed communionCommunion and the developmentally disabledCommunion under both kindsHeadcoverHost desecrationInfant communionIntinctionTheologyAcolouthiaAzymesEpiousionKoinoniaMetousiosisLiturgical coloursMystical theologyOrigin of the EucharistLast SupperPaschal mysteryPassion of Jesussalvific natureTheosisAcclamatioAcoemetaeAdelphopoiesisAgape feastArchitectureByzantine calendarByzantine Rite LutheranismByzantine musicCanonical hoursChurch SlavonicChristian liturgyChristogramConsecration in Eastern ChristianityCoronation of the Russian monarchDiaconiconThalassidionDiataxisDonkey walkEastern Catholic ChurchesLiturgyWorshipFirst seven ecumenical councilsHoly FireKoine GreekLex orandi, lex credendiMar SabaPaschal greetingPastophorionPolyphony (Russian Orthodox liturgy)PraxisRevised Julian calendarRussian Orthodox bell ringingSkeuophylaxWestern Rite Orthodoxy