
[1] The sīrah literature includes a variety of heterogeneous materials, containing mainly narratives of military expeditions undertaken by Muhammad and his companions.One genre is concerned with stories of prophetic miracles, called aʿlām al-nubuwa (literally, "proofs of prophethood"—the first word is sometimes substituted for amārāt or dalāʾil).Another genre, called faḍāʾil wa mathālib — tales that show the merits and faults of individual companions, enemies, and other notable contemporaries of Muhammad.More recently, Western historical criticism and debate concerning sīrah have elicited a defensive attitude from some Muslims who wrote apologetic literature defending its content.This was done in order to classify each hadith into "sound" (ṣaḥīḥ) for authentic reports, as opposed to "weak" (ḍaʿīf) for ones that are probably fabricated, in addition to other categories.[9] According to Wim Raven, it is often noted that a coherent image of Muhammad cannot be formed from the literature of sīra, whose authenticity and factual value have been questioned on a number of different grounds.[1] The following is a list of some of the early Hadith collectors who specialized in collecting and compiling sīrah and maghāzī reports: The sīrah literature is important: in the Urdu language alone, a scholar from Pakistan in 2024 produced a bibliography of more than 10,000 titles, counting multivolume works as a single book and without integrating articles, short essays and unpublished manuscripts, with the researcher also precising that the literature in Arabic is even more important.
Sīra shaʿbiyyaAl-Sira al-Nabawiyya (disambiguation)MuhammadHijrahMedinaAfter Conquest of MeccaFarewell PilgrimageFarewell SermonHadithMilestones and recordsMilitaryDiplomaticMiraclesFirst revelationIsra and Mi'rajSplitting of the MoonChristiansJudaismMedieval ChristianHistoricityCriticismSuccessionSaqifahGhadir KhummCompanions of MuhammadHadith of the pen and paperAhl al-BaytSalawatMawlidAl-Masjid an-NabawiPossessionsRelicsHistory of IslamIslamic prophetsProphets in the QuranʾĀdamʾIdrīsNūḥṢāliḥʾIbrāhīmAbrahamLūṭʾIsmāʿīlIshmaelʾIsḥāqYaʿqūbYūsufJosephShuʿaybJethroMūsāHārūnDhu al-KiflEzekielDāūdSulaymānSolomonYūnusʾIlyāsElijahAlyasaʿElishaZakarīyaZechariahYaḥyāʿĪsāMuḥammadMain eventsStories of the ProphetsThe Three MessengersAbrahamic prophetsArabicIslamic prophetMuslim historiansQurʾānḥadīth literatureearly history of IslamArabic languagebiographyresumecompanionsTreaty of HudaybiyyahConstitution of Medinaearlier prophetsPersian Kingspre-Islamic ArabRashidunQur'antafsirasbab al-nuzulIbn Shihab al-ZuhriIbn HishamIslamic historyisnadsIslamic lawhadithsUmayyadstorytellers (qāṣṣ, pl. quṣṣāṣ)mosquesIsra'iliyatapologeticsermonsQur'anismYaşar Nuri ÖztürkHistoricity of MuhammadHadith studiesother categoriesFred DonnerList of biographies of MuhammadPatricia CroneʿUrwa ibn al-ZubayrAbd al-Malik ibn Marwanal-Walid IWahb ibn MunabbihIbn IshaqIbn Jarir al-TabariAbū Nuʿaym al-IṣfahānīIbn Shihāb al-ZuhrīgenealogyMusa ibn ʿUqbaal-ZuhrīMuhammad ibn IshaqUrdu languagePakistanBiographical evaluationHistoriography of early IslamList of hadith collectionsSunnahEncyclopaedia of the QurʾānHoyland, Robert GSeeing Islam as Others Saw It: A Survey and Evaluation of Christian, Jewish and Zoroastrian Writings on Early IslamDawn NewsAbd Allah ibn Abd al-MuttalibAmina bint WahbThuwaybahHalima bint Abi Dhu'aybHamza ibn Abd al-MuttalibAbu Salama Abd Allah ibn Abd al-AsadAbu Sufyan ibn al-HarithKhadija bint KhuwaylidSawda bint ZamʿaHafsa bint UmarZaynab bint KhuzaymaUmm SalamaZaynab bint JahshJawairia bint HarithMaria al-QibtiyyaRamla bint Abi SufyanSafiyya bint HuyayyMaymunah bint al-HarithDescendantsChildrenQasim ibn MuhammadAbd-Allah ibn MuhammadIbrahim ibn MuhammadZainab bint MuhammadRuqayyah bint MuhammadUmm Kulthum bint MuhammadFatimaZayd ibn Haritha al-KalbiHasan ibn AliHusayn ibn AliMuhsin ibn AliZaynab bint AliUmm Kulthum bint AliUmamah bint ZainabExpeditionsDelegates YearYear of SorrowAqaba pledge of allegianceMuhammad's visit to Ta'ifAbu BakrUthmanJa'far ibn Abi TalibHamza ibn Abdul-MuttalibAbu Talib ibn Abd al-MuttalibAbu LahabAl-‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-MuttalibAbd al-MuttalibAbd Allah ibn al-AbbasAbu Sufyan ibn HarbWaraqah ibn NawfalZayd ibn HarithahHassan ibn ThabitBilal ibn RabahAnas ibn MalikUmm AymanGabrielMuhammad in the QuranDuroodAl-BurdaTala' al Badru 'AlaynaFamily tree of MuhammadMuhammad's letters to the heads of stateNames and titles of MuhammadMuhammad and the BiblePossessions of MuhammadSacred Relics (Topkapı Palace)PulpitSeal of MuhammadSahih al-BukhariSahih MuslimSunan al-TirmidhiSunan Ibn MajaSunan Abi DawudSunan al-Nasa'iKitab al-KafiSirat Ibn HishamAl-Muwahib al-LadunniyyahSirat-un-NabiAr-Raheeq Al-MakhtumAsh-ShifaShama'il al-MuhammadiyyaDurod e IbrahimiDala'il al-KhayratKhaybarJerusalemAbyssiniaJabal al-NourMount UhudJabal ThawrMina, Saudi ArabiaMuzdalifahMount ArafatGreen DomeAl-Baqi'Masjid al-HaramMasjid al-AqsaMosque with the two QiblasQuba MosqueDepictionsMuhammad in IslamAniconism in IslamcollectionsMuhammad ibn Jarir al-TabariLars Vilks drawingsEverybody Draw Mohammed DayThe Satanic Verses controversyTrial of Ghazi Beji and Jabeur Mejri2006 Idomeneo controversyJyllands-Posten cartoonsDescriptionsReprintsOpinionsTimelineAkkari-Laban dossierProtest outside the Danish embassy in LondonBombing of Danish embassy in IslamabadCharlie Hebdo2015 shooting2020 stabbing attackIssue No. 1011Issue No. 1178Je suis CharlieBiographies of MuhammadSirah Rasul AllahShama'il MuhammadiyahAl-Sira Al-Nabawiyya (Ibn Kathir)Al-Bidaya wa'l-NihayaAl-Khasais-ul-KubraSiyer-i NebiMarzban-namaMuhammad at MeccaMuhammad at MedinaLatin biographies of MuhammadCaptain Stormfield's Visit to HeavenFalnamaInfernoIzhar ul-HaqqMahometRangila RasulSeeing Islam as Others Saw ItThe Cartoons that Shook the WorldThe Jewel of MedinaThe Quest for the Historical MuhammadThe Truth About MuhammadThe MessageInnocence of MuslimsFetih 1453The Life of MuhammadSouth ParkSuper Best FriendsCartoon Wars Part ICartoon Wars Part IIQuraishMuslim MassacreFaith FighterOutline of IslamBeliefsGod in IslamTawhidIn IslamProphets of IslamAngelsRevelationJudgement DayHoliest sitesFive PillarsShahadaHistoryLeadersTimeline of the history of IslamSuccession to MuhammadEarly conquestsGolden AgeHistoriographySahabaShi'a ImamsCaliphatesAbbasidCórdobaFatimidAlmohadSokotoOttomanReligious textsSeerahStory of ProphetsDenominationsAsh'arismAtharismMaturidismMu'taziliSalafiWahhabismTwelver Shi'ismIsma'ilismAlawitesAlevismBektashi AlevismZaydismMuhakkimaKhawarijAzariqaAzzabasNukkariNajdatNation of IslamAhmadiyyaLahoriQuranismNon-denominationalCultureAnimalsAssociation footballCalendarClothingHolidaysMadrasasMoral teachingsPhilosophyPolitical aspectsQurbaniScienceSocial welfareIslam by countryJurisprudenceEconomicsBankingEconomic historyTakafulMurabahaHygieneMiswakTayammumToiletFamilyMarriageMarriage contractMahramNikah mut'ahBalighCleanlinessCriminalApostasyBlasphemyDeath penaltyDhabiĥaDhimmiDivorceEthicsEtiquetteGamblingGender segregationHonorificsInheritanceLeadershipMa malakat aymanukumSlaverySources of lawTheologicalSchools of islamic jurisprudenceIslamic studiesArabesqueArchitectureCalligraphyCarpetsGardensGeometric patternsPotteryMedieval scienceAlchemy and chemistryAstronomyCosmologyGeography and cartographyMathematicsMedicineOphthalmologyPhysicsContemporaryEschatologyAstrologyCreationism (evolution)FeminismInventionsLiberalism and progressivismLiteraturepoetryPsychologyShu'ubiyyaConversion to mosquesOther religionsChristianityCatholicismMormonismProtestantismHinduismJainismSikhismApostasy in Islam by countryEx-MuslimsList of former MuslimsList of ex-Muslim organisationsCriticism of IslamCultural MuslimIslamismPost-IslamismQutbismIslamophobiaIslamic extremismIslamic terrorismIslamic view of miraclesDomestic violenceNursingPersecution of MuslimsQuran and miraclesSymbolism