Navajo Braille

Navajo Braille is the braille alphabet of the Navajo language.It uses a subset of the letters of Unified English Braille, along with the punctuation and formatting of that standard.Additional letters, beyond those of English braille, are ⠹ for ł, ⠄ for ' (glottal stop and ejective consonants), the French vowels with grave accents for the Navajo vowels with acute accents (high tone), and ⠨ for ogonek on the following vowel (nasal vowels, e.g. ⠨⠁ for ą, ⠨⠷ for ą́).⠋ is only used for the digit 6, as the letter 'f' does not exist in the Navajo alphabet.In numerical order by decade, the letters are: The alphabet was created by Carol Begay Green[1] and adopted by the Navajo Nation in 2015.
Navajo alphabetNavajoBrailleEnglish BrailleNavajo languageUnified English Brailleogonek1829 brailleInternational uniformityASCII brailleUnicode braille patternsAlbanianAzerbaijaniCantoneseCatalanChinese (mainland Mandarin)EnglishUnified EnglishEsperantoFrenchGermanGhanaianGuaraniHawaiianHungarianIñupiaqItalianLatvianLithuanianLuxembourgishMalteseMāoriNigerianPhilippinePolishPortugueseRomanianSamoanSlovakSouth AfricanSpanishTaiwanese MandarinTurkishVietnameseYugoslavZambianEstonianFaroeseIcelandicScandinavianNorthern SámiCyrillicBelarusianBulgarianKazakhKyrgyzMongolianRussianUkrainianArabicPersianBharati BrailleDevanagari (Hindi / Marathi / Nepali)Bengali (Bangla / Assamese)GujaratiKannadaMalayalamPunjabiSinhalaTeluguAmharicArmenianBurmeseDzongkhaGeorgianHebrewInuktitutThai and LaoTibetanAlgerian BrailleAmerican BrailleMainland Chinese MandarinTwo-cell Chinese (Shuangpin)JapaneseKoreanGardner–Salinas braille codesBraille musicCanadian currency marksComputer Braille CodeInternational Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)Nemeth braille codeBraille technologyBraille e-bookBraille embosserBraille translatorBraille watchMountbatten BraillerOptical braille recognitionPerforationPerkins BraillerRefreshable braille displaySlate and stylusBraigoLouis BrailleCharles BarbierRóża CzackaValentin HaüyHarris MowbrayThakur Vishva Narain SinghSabriye TenberkenWilliam Bell WaitBraille Institute of AmericaBraille Without BordersJapan Braille LibraryNational Braille AssociationAmerican Printing House for the Blindtactile alphabetsDecapointMoon typeNew York PointNight writingVibrateseAccessible publishingBraille literacyRoboBraille