
Decapoint, or raphigraphy, was a tactile form of the Latin script invented by Louis Braille as a system that could be used by both the blind and sighted.It was published in 1839. Letters retained their linear form, and so were legible without training to the sighted, but the lines were composed of embossed dots like those used in braille.The reason for the development of this writing was that relatives of the students could not read braille.These letters were not easy for the blind to write because of their height of ten dots despite grid.It therefore did not take long for the blind friend of Louis Braille, Pierre-François-Victor Foucault, to build in 1841 the first apparatus, the Raphigraph, which could push all the points of one column of characters at the same time into the paper.
A sample of decapoint. The relative efficiency of braille can be seen, as the line at the bottom is the braille transcription for the first two lines of decapoint: je vous prie de commander une planche pour la grille ci-jointe
The decapoint alphabet, digits, and punctuation
Raphigraphe on view in museum in Finland.
brailleLatin scriptLouis BraillePierre-François-Victor FoucaultWayback Machine1829 brailleInternational uniformityASCII brailleUnicode braille patternsAlbanianAzerbaijaniCantoneseCatalanChinese (mainland Mandarin)EnglishUnified EnglishEsperantoFrenchGermanGhanaianGuaraniHawaiianHungarianIñupiaqItalianLatvianLithuanianLuxembourgishMalteseMāoriNavajoNigerianPhilippinePolishPortugueseRomanianSamoanSlovakSouth AfricanSpanishTaiwanese MandarinTurkishVietnameseYugoslavZambianEstonianFaroeseIcelandicScandinavianNorthern SámiCyrillicBelarusianBulgarianKazakhKyrgyzMongolianRussianUkrainianArabicPersianBharati BrailleDevanagari (Hindi / Marathi / Nepali)Bengali (Bangla / Assamese)GujaratiKannadaMalayalamPunjabiSinhalaTeluguAmharicArmenianBurmeseDzongkhaGeorgianHebrewInuktitutThai and LaoTibetanAlgerian BrailleAmerican BrailleMainland Chinese MandarinTwo-cell Chinese (Shuangpin)JapaneseKoreanGardner–Salinas braille codesBraille musicCanadian currency marksComputer Braille CodeInternational Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)Nemeth braille codeBraille technologyBraille e-bookBraille embosserBraille translatorBraille watchMountbatten BraillerOptical braille recognitionPerforationPerkins BraillerRefreshable braille displaySlate and stylusBraigoCharles BarbierRóża CzackaValentin HaüyHarris MowbrayThakur Vishva Narain SinghSabriye TenberkenWilliam Bell WaitBraille Institute of AmericaBraille Without BordersJapan Braille LibraryNational Braille AssociationAmerican Printing House for the Blindtactile alphabetsMoon typeNew York PointNight writingVibrateseAccessible publishingBraille literacyRoboBraille