Polyethylene glycol Methanol Dimethyl ether (DME; also known as methoxymethane) is the organic compound with the formula CH3OCH3, (sometimes ambiguously simplified to C2H6O as it is an isomer of ethanol).Dimethyl ether is also a component of certain high temperature "Map-Pro" blowtorch gas blends, supplanting the use of methyl acetylene and propadiene mixtures.[26] At the European Shell Eco Marathon, an unofficial World Championship for mileage, vehicle running on 100 % dimethyl ether drove 589 km/L (169.8 cm3/100 km), fuel equivalent to gasoline with a 50 cm3 displacement 2-stroke engine.[27] To study the dimethyl ether for the combustion process a chemical kinetic mechanism[28] is required which can be used for Computational fluid dynamics calculation.In 1876, the French engineer Charles Tellier bought the ex-Elder-Dempster a 690 tons cargo ship Eboe and fitted a methyl-ether refrigerating plant of his design.On July 28, 1948, a BASF factory in Ludwigshafen suffered an explosion after 30 tonnes of dimethyl ether leaked from a tank and ignited in the air.
Ball and stick model of dimethyl ether
Installation of BioDME synthesis towers at Chemrec's pilot facility