Gluteus maximus

Its large size is one of the most characteristic features of the muscular system in humans,[2] connected as it is with the power of maintaining the trunk in the erect posture.The gluteus maximus is a tensor of the fascia lata, and by its connection with the iliotibial band steadies the femur on the articular surfaces of the tibia during standing, when the extensor muscles are relaxed.A number of exercises focus on the gluteus maximus and other muscles of the upper leg: In cultural terms, the glutes are often considered a symbol of health and strength, and aesthetically appealing.This requires a trained professional and is based on the angle of external and internal rotation in relation to normal range of motion without injury or impingement.[11] Its large size is one of the most characteristic features of the muscular system in humans,[2] connected as it is with the power of maintaining the trunk in the erect posture.While traditionally associated with maintaining erect posture, evidence suggests its enlargement was more likely selected for its role in running capability and trunk stabilization during various dynamic activities.
lumbar fasciasacrumsacrotuberous ligamentGluteal tuberosityiliotibial tractArterySuperiorinferior gluteal arteriesInferior gluteal nerveS2 nerve rootsActionsExternal rotationextensionhip jointsittingAntagonistIliacuspsoas majorpsoas minorAnatomical terms of muscleextensor musclegluteal musclesbuttocksmediusminimusprimatesmuscle fasciclesfibrous septapelviscoccyxaponeurosiserector spinaelumbodorsal fasciagluteus mediusgluteal aponeurosisgreater trochanteriliotibial bandfascia latalinea asperavastus lateralisadductor magnusthird trochanterbursaeischiumbiceps femorissemitendinosussemimembranosusadductorexternal rotatorKettlebell swingsSquatsDeadliftAncient GreeceRiace Bronzespiriformisischial tuberositymomenthip-jointList of skeletal muscles of the human bodypublic domainGray's AnatomyLibrary of CongressMuscles of the hiphuman legIliac regionIliopsoasTensor fasciae lataeLateral rotator groupQuadratus femorisInferior gemellusSuperior gemellusInternal obturatorExternal obturatorcompartmentsAnteriorSartoriusQuadricepsRectus femorisVastus intermediusVastus medialisArticularis genusPosteriorHamstringMedialPectineusGracilisLongusBrevisMagnusFasciaFemoral sheathFemoral canalFemoral ringAdductor canalAdductor hiatusMuscular lacunaLateral intermuscular septum of thighMedial intermuscular septum of thighCribriform fasciaTibialis anteriorExtensor hallucis longusExtensor digitorum longusFibularis (peroneus) tertiusTriceps suraeGastrocnemiusSoleusAccessory soleusAchilles tendonPlantaristarsal tunnelFlexor hallucis longusFlexor digitorum longusTibialis posteriorPopliteusLateralFibularis (peroneus) musclesPes anserinusIntermuscular septaTransverseExtensor hallucis brevisExtensor digitorum brevisAbductor hallucisFlexor digitorum brevisAbductor digiti minimiQuadratus plantaeLumbrical muscleFlexor hallucis brevisAdductor hallucisFlexor digiti minimi brevisDorsal interosseiPlantar interosseiPlantar fasciaPeronealInferior extensorSuperior extensorFlexor