Sartorius muscle

[2] It is a long, thin, superficial muscle that runs down the length of the thigh in the anterior compartment.[3] Like the other muscles in the anterior compartment of the thigh, the sartorius is innervated by the femoral nerve.[3][4] It may originate from the outer end of the inguinal ligament, the notch of the ilium, the ilio-pectineal line or the pubis.One is that it refers to the location of the inferior portion of the muscle being the "inseam" or area of the inner thigh that tailors commonly measure when fitting trousers.This article incorporates text in the public domain from page 470 of the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)
Rectus femorisvastus intermediuspes anserinusArteryFemoral arteryFemoral nerveintermediate cutaneous nerve of thighActionsFlexionabductionlateral rotationAnatomical terms of musclemuscleanterior compartmentanterior superior iliac spineanterior inferior iliac spinemedial condyle of the femurgracilissemitendinosus musclesfemoral triangleadductor longusadductor canalsaphenous nervevastus medialisinguinal ligamentilio-pectineal linefascia latapatellasemitendinosusknee-jointsynergist musclepes anserine bursitispublic domainGray's AnatomyLippincott Williams & WilkinsMuscles of the hiphuman legIliac regionIliopsoasPsoas majorPsoas minorIliacusButtocksGluteal musclesMaximusMediusMinimusTensor fasciae lataeLateral rotator groupQuadratus femorisInferior gemellusSuperior gemellusInternal obturatorExternal obturatorPiriformiscompartmentsAnteriorQuadricepsVastus lateralisArticularis genusPosteriorHamstringBiceps femorisSemimembranosusMedialPectineusAdductorLongusBrevisMagnusFasciaFemoral sheathFemoral canalFemoral ringAdductor hiatusMuscular lacunaIliotibial tractLateral intermuscular septum of thighMedial intermuscular septum of thighCribriform fasciaTibialis anteriorExtensor hallucis longusExtensor digitorum longusFibularis (peroneus) tertiusTriceps suraeGastrocnemiusSoleusAccessory soleusAchilles tendonPlantaristarsal tunnelFlexor hallucis longusFlexor digitorum longusTibialis posteriorPopliteusLateralFibularis (peroneus) musclesIntermuscular septaTransverseExtensor hallucis brevisExtensor digitorum brevisAbductor hallucisFlexor digitorum brevisAbductor digiti minimiQuadratus plantaeLumbrical muscleFlexor hallucis brevisAdductor hallucisFlexor digiti minimi brevisDorsal interosseiPlantar interosseiPlantar fasciaPeronealInferior extensorSuperior extensorFlexor