De Havilland DH.27 Derby

The de Havilland DH.27 Derby was a large single-engined biplane designed to a heavy day bomber Air Ministry specification.The upper and lower wings were fabric-covered wooden structures, both carrying ailerons and capable of folding outside the inner interplane struts.[1] The fuselage[1] followed developing standard de Havilland practice, with spruce longerons cross-braced and covered in thin plywood.The water-cooled 650 hp (485 kW) Rolls-Royce Condor III had a rectangular nose-mounted radiator, and drove a four-bladed propeller.The two prototypes were based at RAF Martlesham Heath and the Naval station on the Isle of Grain until about 1924, and used for general duties and tests.
Heavy bomberde Havilland Aircraft Co. LtdAir MinistrycabaneRolls-Royce CondorAvro AldershotRAF Martlesham HeathIsle of GrainV12 engineLewis gunScarff ring1922 in aviationList of bomber aircraftList of aircraft of the Royal Air Forcede HavillandBiplane No.1Biplane No.2DH.100DH.101DH.102DH.103DH.104DH.105DH.106DH.108DH.110DH.112DH.113DH.114DH.115DH.116DH.118DH.119DH.120DH.121DH.122DH.123DH.125DH.126AlbatrossAmiensCanberraCirrus MothComet (jet)DolphinDominieDoncasterDragonDragon RapideDragonflyExpressHerculesFlamingoFox MothGazelleGenet MothGiant Moth (DH.50)Giant Moth (DH.61)Gipsy MothHawk MothHermes MothHighclereHornetHornet MothHumming BirdLeopard MothMantisMenasco MothMetal MothMosquitoMoth MajorMoth MinorMoth TrainerM'palaNinackOxfordPuss MothQueen BeeSea VixenSea VenomTiger Moth (DH.71)Tiger Moth (DH.82)TridentVampireDH.98 MosquitoDH.100 VampireDH.103 HornetDH.110 Sea VixenDH.112 VenomDH.112 Sea VenomDH.113 Vampire Night FighterDH.9/M'pala/MantisDH.9A NinackDH.10 AmiensDH.11 OxfordDH.14 OkapiDH.72 CanberraDH.29 DoncasterDH.50 Giant MothDH.54 HighclereDH.61 Giant MothDH.66 HerculesDH.83 Fox MothDH.84 DragonDH.86 ExpressDH.89 Dragon RapideDH.89 DominieDH.90 DragonflyDH.91 AlbatrossDH.92 DolphinDH.95 FlamingoDH.104 DoveDH.104 DevonDH.106 CometDH.114 HeronDH.121 TridentDH.75 Hawk MothDH.53 Humming BirdDH.60 MothDH.60 Cirrus MothDH.60 Hermes MothDH.60 Genet MothDH.60G Gipsy MothDH.60M Metal MothDH.60GIII Moth MajorDH.80 Puss MothDH.85 Leopard MothDH.87 Hornet MothDH.60T Moth TrainerDH.82 Tiger MothDH.82C-2/C-4 Menasco MothDH.93 DonDH.94 Moth MinorDH.115 Vampire TrainerDH.71 Tiger MothDH.88 CometDH.15 GazelleDH.82 Queen Bee