Chronological snobbery

Chronological snobbery is an argument that the thinking, art, or science of an earlier time is inherently inferior to that of the present, simply by virtue of its temporal priority or the belief that since civilization has advanced in certain areas, people of earlier periods were less intelligent.As Barfield explains it, it is the belief that "intellectually, humanity languished for countless generations in the most childish errors on all sorts of crucial subjects, until it was redeemed by some simple scientific dictum of the last century.207–208), he describes how this was fallacious: Barfield never made me an Anthroposophist, but his counterattacks destroyed forever two elements in my own thought.In the first place he made short work of what I have called my "chronological snobbery," the uncritical acceptance of the intellectual climate common to our own age and the assumption that whatever has gone out of date is on that account discredited.They are likeliest to lurk in those widespread assumptions which are so ingrained in the age that no one dares to attack or feels it necessary to defend them.A manifestation of chronological snobbery is the usage in general of the word "medieval" to mean "backwards".
Serial-position effectRecency biasC. S. LewisOwen BarfieldSurprised by Joyappeal to noveltyAnthroposophyatheistDeclinismGenetic fallacyHistorian's fallacyMyth of progressPresentism (historical analysis)Whig historyfallaciesFormalpropositional logicAffirming a disjunctAffirming the consequentDenying the antecedentArgument from fallacyMasked manMathematical fallacyquantificational logicExistentialIllicit conversionProof by exampleQuantifier shiftSyllogistic fallacyAffirmative conclusion from a negative premiseNegative conclusion from affirmative premisesExclusive premisesNecessityFour termsIllicit majorIllicit minorUndistributed middleInformalEquivocationFalse equivalenceFalse attributionQuoting out of contextLoki's WagerNo true ScotsmanReificationCircular reasoningBegging the questionLoaded languageLeading questionCompound questionLoaded questionComplex questionCorrelative-basedFalse dilemmaPerfect solutionDenying the correlativeSuppressed correlativeIllicit transferenceCompositionDivisionEcologicalSecundum quidAccidentConverse accidentFaulty generalizationAnecdotal evidenceSampling biasCherry pickingMcNamaraBase rateConjunctionDouble countingFalse analogySlothful inductionOverwhelming exceptionAmbiguityAccentFalse precisionMoving the goalpostsSlippery slopeSorites paradoxSyntactic ambiguityQuestionable causeAnimisticFurtiveCum hocPost hocGambler'sInverseRegressionSingle causeTexas sharpshooterLaw/LegalityProof by assertionConsequencesArgumentum ad baculumWishful thinkingEmotionChildrenFlatteryNoveltyRidiculeIn-group favoritismInvented hereNot invented hereIsland mentalityLoyaltyParade of horriblesStirring symbolsWisdom of repugnanceAd hominemAppeal to motiveAssociationReductio ad HitlerumGodwin's lawReductio ad StalinumBulverismPoisoning the wellTu quoqueWhataboutismAuthorityAccomplishmentIpse dixitPovertyWealthEtymologyNatureTraditionfallacies of relevanceArgumentsAd nauseamSealioningArgument from anecdoteArgument from silenceArgument to moderationArgumentum ad populumClichéThe Four Great ErrorsI'm entitled to my opinionIgnoratio elenchiInvincible ignoranceMoralisticNaturalisticMotte-and-bailey fallacyPsychologist's fallacyRationalizationRed herringTwo wrongs make a rightSpecial pleadingStraw man