Augustus Ulyard
He enlisted as a Texas Volunteer in the Mexican War, after which he went to St. Louis, Missouri, where he married Mary Field of England."[1][2][3][4] The couple arrived in Los Angeles on December 31, 1852, after crossing the country with a wagon train of pioneers that left from Council Bluffs and pursued the Southern Emigrant Trail through the Cajon Pass and San Bernardino.[2] Ulyard rented an adobe and set up a bakery business, using yeast that his wife brought across the Great Plains to their new home.Ulyard made "German and American bread and cake, which soon found favor with many; later he added freshly-baked crackers," which he advertised as "baked in Los Angeles, and superior to those half spoiled by the sea voyage" from San Francisco.[5] In 1856, Ulyard helped organize the Republican League in California and worked on behalf of the John C. Fremont campaign for president in 1856.