Zip Zip

Zip Zip is a French animated television series created by Aurore Damant, based on an original idea by Anne Ozannat.The series is produced by GO-N Productions with the participation of France Télévisions, Super RTL and The Walt Disney Company France in association with A Plus Image 3 and France 3.Tired of living in the forest, Washington the fox, Sam the boar, his sister Eugenie, and Suzie the blackbird decide to leave the wilderness and go to the city.To avoid being seen by people as wild animals and getting caught by animal control, the four take animal costumes to disguise themselves as a dog (Washington), a cat (Sam), a rabbit (Eugenie) and a canary (Suzie) and pose as common house pets.They are soon adopted by the Livingstones, and now live in their house with their cat, Victoria.
ComedySlapstickAdventureFrance 3animatedtelevision seriesFrance TélévisionsSuper RTLThe Walt Disney Company FranceYouTubeblackbirdrabbitcanaryDavid CoburnIan CarneyBrendan HayErik WieseJessica GaoSud-Ouest