Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky (first Dushinsky rebbe)

He founded a community of Hungarian Jews in Jerusalem, affiliated with the Perushim section of the Edah HaChareidis.This community gradually developed into a Hasidic dynasty, which is today headed by his grandson, who was named after him.Dushinsky was known for his strong opposition to Zionism, and spoke to the newly formed United Nations against the creation of the State of Israel.The Jerusalem Municipality sought to honor Dushinsky after his death with the naming of a street, but his son refused for fear that any Shabbat desecration that occurred on the street (e.g. the driving of cars on the Shabbat) would cause pain to his father's soul.After many requests, his son agreed to the naming of a passageway of stairs in the Pagi (Sanhedria) neighborhood after his father, since cars could not access this path.
Graves of the First Dushinsky Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Dushinsky (foreground) and his son, the Second Dushinsky Rebbe, Rabbi Yisrael Moshe Dushinsky (background), in the Shaare Zedek Cemetery, Jerusalem .
HungaryJerusalemIsraelYisroel Moshe DushinskyEdah HaChareidisOrthodoxDushinskyChassam SoferChief RabbiGalantaSlovakiaYisroel MosheShaare Zedek Cemetery, JerusalemBritish Mandate of PalestineYosef Chaim SonnenfeldPerushimhis grandsonZionismUnited NationsState of IsraelShaarei Zedek HospitalJaffa RoadMoshe WallachSukkotsmall cemetery adjacent to the hospital1948 Arab-Israeli WarMount of OlivesZelig Reuven BengisJerusalem MunicipalityShabbatYosef Tzvi DushinskyTidhar, DavidMoetzes Gedolei HaTorahWorld Agudath IsraelAvraham Mordechai AlterMeir ArikDovid BornsztainShlomo Zalman BreuerMeir Simcha of DvinskMoshe Mordechai EpsteinAvraham Yaakov FriedmanChaim Ozer GrodzinskiYisrael Meir KaganAharon KotlerYitzchak Zelig MorgensternMeir Dan PlotzkyYitzhak Yaakov RabinovichSholom Dovber SchneersohnMeir ShapiroChaim SoloveitchikZalman SorotzkinYehuda Leib TsirelsonShmuel Dovid UngarElchonon WassermanMenachem ZiembaAgudat YisraelDegel HaTorahPinchas Menachem AlterSimcha Bunim AlterYisrael AlterShlomo Zalman AuerbachYosef Shalom EliashivAryeh FinkelNosson Tzvi FinkelBaruch Mordechai EzrachiYisroel Moshe FriedmanLevi Yitzchak HorowitzMichel Yehuda LefkowitzIsser Zalman MeltzerChaim Pinchas ScheinbergYitzchok ScheinerElazar Menachem ShachYitzchak Isaac SherYochanan SoferDov YaffeShabsi YogelAharon Yehuda Leib ShteinmanGershon EdelsteinBaruch WeisbeckerYaakov Aryeh AlterNachum Dov BrayerMenachem Mendel HagerYisroel HagerZvi Elimelech HalberstamMayer Alter HorowitzYissachar Dov RokeachMoshe Hillel HirschDov LandoBaruch Dov PovarskyYitzchok ZilbersteinEliezer Yehuda FinkelAgudath Israel of AmericaDovid FeinsteinMoshe FeinsteinMordechai Shlomo FriedmanMordechai GifterRefael Reuvain GrozovskyShlomo HeimanYitzchok HutnerYaakov KamenetskyChaim Mordechai KatzShneur KotlerAvraham Yaakov PamYaakov PerlowYaakov Yitzchok RudermanGedalia SchorrEliezer SilverJoseph B. SoloveitchikBaruch SorotzkinYisrael SpiraElya SveiMendel ZaksAaron SchechterElya BrudnyAharon FeldmanShmuel KamenetskyMalkiel KotlerShlomo MillerYerucham OlshinYitzchok Sorotzkin