Yaakov Aryeh Alter

Yaakov Aryeh Alter (Polish: Jakub Arie Alter, Hebrew: יעקב אריה אלתר, born 18 May 1939) is the eighth, and current, Rebbe of the Hasidic dynasty of Ger, a position he has held since 1996.[1] In 1940, he immigrated, with his father and grandfather (Rebbe Avraham Mordechai Alter), to Eretz Israel.He married Shoshana, daughter of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Weitz, one of the heads of Yeshivat Chiddushei HaRim.[2] Despite his wealth, he lived in an apartment in an ordinary residential building in the Chazon Ish neighborhood in Bnei Brak until 2011, when he moved to Jerusalem.[10] In 2022, an estimated 60,000 people, including Rabbis Yisrael Meir Lau, Yitzhak Yosef, Yitzchok Zilberstein, and Nachum Dov Brayer, attended the wedding of Alter's granddaughter.
Sandekbris milahŁódźPolandSimcha Bunim AlterJudaismPinchas Menachem AlterPolishHebrewHasidicIsraelUnited StatesEuropeCanadaMoetzes Gedolei HaTorahAgudath IsraelYaakov Aryeh GutermanRadzyminAvraham Mordechai AlterEretz IsraelTalmud TorahEtz Chaimstudied TorahBnei BrakJerusalemShaul AlterYisrael Meir LauYitzhak YosefYitzchok ZilbersteinNachum Dov BrayerVos Iz NeiasGeni.comGer (Hasidic dynasty)Yitzchak Meir AlterChanokh Heynekh HaKohen LevinYehudah Aryeh Leib AlterYisrael AlterSimchah Bunim AlterSfas Emes YeshivaWorld Agudath IsraelMeir ArikDovid BornsztainShlomo Zalman BreuerYosef Tzvi DushinskyMeir Simcha of DvinskMoshe Mordechai EpsteinAvraham Yaakov FriedmanChaim Ozer GrodzinskiYisrael Meir KaganAharon KotlerYitzchak Zelig MorgensternMeir Dan PlotzkyYitzhak Yaakov RabinovichSholom Dovber SchneersohnMeir ShapiroChaim SoloveitchikZalman SorotzkinYehuda Leib TsirelsonShmuel Dovid UngarElchonon WassermanMenachem ZiembaAgudat YisraelDegel HaTorahShlomo Zalman AuerbachYosef Shalom EliashivAryeh FinkelNosson Tzvi FinkelBaruch Mordechai EzrachiYisroel Moshe FriedmanLevi Yitzchak HorowitzMichel Yehuda LefkowitzIsser Zalman MeltzerChaim Pinchas ScheinbergYitzchok ScheinerElazar Menachem ShachYitzchak Isaac SherYochanan SoferDov YaffeShabsi YogelAharon Yehuda Leib ShteinmanGershon EdelsteinBaruch WeisbeckerMenachem Mendel HagerYisroel HagerZvi Elimelech HalberstamMayer Alter HorowitzYissachar Dov RokeachMoshe Hillel HirschDov LandoBaruch Dov PovarskyEliezer Yehuda FinkelAgudath Israel of AmericaDovid FeinsteinMoshe FeinsteinMordechai Shlomo FriedmanMordechai GifterRefael Reuvain GrozovskyShlomo HeimanYitzchok HutnerYaakov KamenetskyChaim Mordechai KatzShneur KotlerAvraham Yaakov PamYaakov PerlowYaakov Yitzchok RudermanGedalia SchorrEliezer SilverJoseph B. SoloveitchikBaruch SorotzkinYisrael SpiraElya SveiMendel ZaksAaron SchechterElya BrudnyAharon FeldmanShmuel KamenetskyMalkiel KotlerShlomo MillerYerucham OlshinYitzchok Sorotzkin