Word divider

In languages which use the Latin, Cyrillic, and Arabic alphabets, as well as other scripts of Europe and West Asia, the word divider is a blank space, or whitespace.However, not infrequently in inscriptions a vertical line, and in manuscripts a single (·), double (:), or triple (⫶) interpunct (dot) was used to divide words.This practice was found in Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew, Greek, and Latin, and continues today with Ethiopic, though there whitespace is gaining ground.Ancient inscribed and cuneiform scripts such as Anatolian hieroglyphs frequently used short vertical lines to separate words, as did Linear B.In the modern Hebrew and Arabic alphabets, some letters have distinct forms at the ends and/or beginnings of words.
An example of Javanese script scriptio continua of the first article of declaration of human rights.
Traditional spacing examples from the 1911 Chicago Manual of Style [ 4 ]
The Ethiopic double interpunct
Nastaʿlīq used for Urdu (written right-to-left)
Word mark (computer hardware)punctuationCyrillicArabic alphabetscharacter encodingAncient EgyptiandeterminativesAssyrian cuneiformUgaritic alphabetOld Persian cuneiforminterpunctPhoenicianAramaicHebrewEthiopicalphabeticPhoenician alphabetconsonantsmatres lectionisGreek alphabetscriptio continuaIndic alphabetshangulChineseJapanesecharacterModern MandarinmorphemeVietnamese languageVietnamese alphabetJavanese scriptLatin scriptAnatolian hieroglyphsLinear BBiblical HebrewhypodiastoleNastaʿlīqIslamic calligraphysawtoothPersianUyghurPashtofinger spellingMorse codecodepointsUnicodeMIDDLE DOTWhitespaceSentence spacingSpeech segmentationZero-width non-joinerZero-width spaceSubstitute blankUnderscoreOxford University PressStanford University Presstypographicalsemicolonhyphenapostrophefull stopampersandat signbackslashellipsisasteriskReference markasterismdinkushyphen-minusdouble hyphenquestion markexclamation markinterrobanginverted ! and ?irony punctuationnumber signnumero signordinal indicatorpercent signper millebasis pointdegree symbolplus and minus signsmultiplication signdivision signplus–minus signminus-plus signradical symbolvertical barbulletcopyright symbolsound recording copyrightregistered trademarkservice mark symboltrademark symbolquotation markguillemetbracketditto markdaggerfleuronmaniculelozengepilcrowsection markVersion of this table as a sortable listCurrency symbolsDiacriticsLogic symbolsMath symbolsChinese punctuationHebrew punctuationJapanese punctuationKorean punctuation