Plus–minus sign

Other meanings occur in other fields, including medicine, engineering, chemistry, electronics, linguistics, and philosophy.The above expression can be rewritten as x ± (y − z) to avoid use of ∓, but cases such as the trigonometric identity are most neatly written using the "∓" sign: which represents the two equations: Another example is the conjugate of the perfect squares which represents the two equations: A related usage is found in this presentation of the formula for the Taylor series of the sine function: Here, the plus-or-minus sign indicates that the term may be added or subtracted depending on whether n is odd or even; a rule which can be deduced from the first few terms.If a brief, simple description is not possible, the equation must be re-written to provide clarity; e.g. by introducing variables such as s1, s2, ... and specifying a value of +1 or −1 separately for each, or some appropriate relation, like s3 = s1 · (s2)n or similar.The use of ± for an approximation is most commonly encountered in presenting the numerical value of a quantity, together with its tolerance or its statistical margin of error.Operations involving uncertain values should always try to preserve the uncertainty, in order to avoid propagation of error.
Plus–minus (disambiguation)Unicodemathematicsadditionsubtractionstatisticsexperimental sciencesconfidence intervaluncertaintyerrorsstandard deviationstandard errorAlbert GirardWilliam Oughtredmathematical formulasplus and minus signsquadratic formulaquadratic equationtrigonometric identityconjugateperfect squaresTaylor seriestolerancemargin of errorstandard deviationsnormal distributionpropagation of errorinterval arithmeticchess annotationmedicineengineeringchemistryracemic mixtureelectronicsoperational amplifierslinguisticsdistinctive featureISO 8859-1character entity referencescreen readersWindowsnumeric keypadUnix-likeComposeChromebookVim text editorAutoCADChinese charactersRadical 32Radical 33Radical 51Engineering toleranceSign (mathematics)Table of mathematical symbolsCajori, FlorianA History of Mathematical Notations, Volume I: Notations in Elementary Mathematicspunctuationtypographicalsemicolonhyphenapostrophefull stopampersandat signbackslashellipsisasteriskReference markasterismdinkushyphen-minusdouble hyphenquestion markexclamation markinterrobanginverted ! and ?irony punctuationnumber signnumero signordinal indicatorpercent signper millebasis pointdegree symbolmultiplication signdivision signminus-plus signradical symbolunderscorevertical barbulletinterpunctcopyright symbolsound recording copyrightregistered trademarkservice mark symboltrademark symbolquotation markguillemetbracketditto markdaggerfleuronmaniculelozengepilcrowsection markVersion of this table as a sortable listCurrency symbolsDiacriticsLogic symbolsMath symbolsWhitespaceChinese punctuationHebrew punctuationJapanese punctuationKorean punctuation