
It is a special kind of floating Retractable bridges at the Great North Holland Canal which pivot either centrally or from one or both banks of a body of water to allow vessels to pass through.One old, undated, photograph (see the Gallery, below: De Scholle, Vroomshoop, Overijssel province, eastern Netherlands) shows a canal with jetties on both banks connected by a moveable roadway.The roadway is wooden, is equipped with guard rails, and has upwardly-sloping portions at each end which communicate with the fixed structures.The names of the modern villages Burgervlotbrug and Sint Maartensvlotbrug in North Holland suggest they may have been new settlements around a vlotbrug.They are equipped with fenders based on piles driven into the canal bed, to protect the fixed structures against accidental damage from watercraft.[6][7][8][9][10] After an accident in 2012 at Burgervlotbrug (for which the skipper of a river barge was blamed), it was asked whether or not vlotbruggen have a place in the 21st century.
An animation of the generic mode of operation of retractable bridges .
Burgervlotbrug closed
Burgervlotbrug opening
Burgervlotbrug opening II
Burgervlotbrug open
Retractable bridgesNorth HollandretractableNoordhollandsch KanaaldrawbridgesVroomshoopOverijsseljettiesflotation devicesBurgervlotbrugSint MaartensvlotbrugBurgerbrugSint MaartensbrugDe StolpenHellevoetsluisNissewaardSouth Hollandtraffic lightsfenders't Zandskipperriver bargeKoedijkAlkmaarSchagenDe TelegraafNoordhollands DagbladSchagen FMYouTubeBridgeBox girderBridge–tunnelBurr TrussCable-stayedCanopyCantileverCantilever spar cable-stayedCoveredDouble-beam drawbridgeExtradosedMoveableBasculeDrawbridgeFoldingRollingRolling basculeSubmersibleTransporterVertical-liftMulti-wayNavigable aqueductPontoonSuspensionTimberThrough archTrestleTubularViaductVisual index to various typesList of bridgesbascule bridgescantilever bridgesmedieval stone bridges in Germanymulti-level bridgesroad–rail bridgestoll bridgesvertical-lift bridgesList of bridge–tunnelsList of lists of covered bridges in North AmericaBy lengthSuspension bridgesCable-stayed bridgesContinuous truss bridgesArch bridgesMasonry arch bridgesHighestTallestBridge failuresBridge to nowhereBridges in art